Chapter Two

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"Urm, I'm here for a date with... Adrian Lemmings?" I said to the guy behind the desk, checking my phone. Adrian texted me the reservation name an hour ago, saying he would arrive a bit later because he had some huge test right before. 

"Of course. Right this way, miss. Do you want me to take your coat?" he asked politely. I nodded as I handed him my coat.

It's quiet and tranquil, with low piano music tinkling in the background. It's full of posh looking people in designer outfits talking in low voices and gorgeous elegant women in head to toe outfits straight off the runway. I feel a bit underdressed when I see the rest of the people's outfits. The waiter brings me to a small cozy table near a window near the back with candles and some amazing smells of fresh pasta and delicious food.

"Anything to drink?" he asked, whipping out a notepad and a pen.

"Urm, a glass of Cristal please," I decided after a bit. It's a special occasion and I haven't had a glass in ages. None of the other champagnes ever come close. He smiled and walked away while I tapped my shoes on the wooden floors, deleting old messages from Gabe and chain mail. I checked the time after a bit of waiting: 1.40pm.

It's OK, he said he would be a little late. I leaned back in my chair and took in the atmosphere, sipping the glass of champagne. It's wonderful, burning a little as it goes down but it leaves you with a warm, tugging feeling of wanting more.

Where is he? Maybe a bad traffic jam...


OK it's past two now. I sent Adrian a text a while back, asking him where he is but he hasn't responded. This is really rude!! He promised. He even made a reservation! God, that is just so... rude! I glanced at the clock again and I noticed the waiter before giving me a pitying look. I chewed on a bit of the free bread basket, hoping they don't kick me out for not ordering anything. It's two fifteen! Where is he??

You've been stood up, silly, a voice goes in my head. Why else is he ignoring your texts and not showing up? He said a LITTLE late, not 30 minutes late! You've been stood up. Some anger boils up inside me. It's just SO rude!! At least make up some pathetic excuse, not leave me here feeling like an idiot. The Cristal's gone and most of the bread. I'm so thirsty...

I wave the waiter over and ordered a basil ravoili in a creamy rosemary sauce, a salad and another glass of Cristal. The ravioli shows up a few minutes later, I'm hungry and pissed off at the same time. I'm chewing furiously but it's impossible to stay angry when you've got the most amazing tastes in the entire world in your mouth that makes you want to swoon. It's the most delicious, amazing thing I've ever tasted. 

I get up to go to the bathroom to fix my makeup. I'm busy examining this collage on the wall when I realized I missed the bathroom door completely and turned back. I slammed into someone and their drink splashes on to my dress, emptying everything on the skirt. Oh shit, it's SO COLD. Maybe I let out a little shriek...

"OhmyGod!" I squeaked.

"I'm so sorry!" the person said, grabbing a napkin and handing it to me. I'm busy trying to brush the fruit cocktail off my dress, it's not really working. "I'm so clumsy, oh God. I'm sorry! It's all my fault. I'm sorry again! I'll pay for the dry-cleaning of course, I'm so sorry."

I looked up and found myself face to face with this really cute blonde guy. "I'm fine," I said, straightening up. It's really no use, the dress is soaked through and the stain's probably never coming out. Oh God, K will KILL me. "And it doesn't need dry cleaning."

"At least let me pay for your lunch then," he insisted. "I ruined your dress, it's the least I can do." He's Irish!! I've always loved the Irish.

"Trust me, it's fine." I smiled. He looked so oddly familiar. "Have I seen you before?"

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