Chapter Twenty

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Elle Robinson

It's been a week since the dreaded scan where I found out I might not ever be normal again. I'm out of the hospital now with two very doodled-on casts and a perfectly fine memory. In fact, I'm pretty determined NOT to be the girl who ended up with a brain disorder after the accident. I'm determined to prove there's absolutely nothing wrong with me. 

People have treated me very differently since I've been out of the hospital, and trust me it isn't easy when people are giving you looks and whispering. It's also uncomfortable to be around people who act like you're about two. Like I could burst into tears at any mention of 'accident', 'lorry', 'car crash' or even 'brain'.

Honestly! I'm at the point when I'm not even bothered to tell them it's OK to say accident in front of me without me bursting into tears. Jess and Hannah immediately stick up for me the moment someone mentions my accident but I've told them countless times it'll probably only make it worse. 

I'm living a pretty normal life now. As normal as someone who only has the use of one leg and one arm anyway.

I've also been really close to Liam and Louis who are absolute angels lately. Liam is so sweet and completely understanding and he really listens. Plus he's super sensitive and so nice it's a bit of a wonder people like him still exist. It's a breath of fresh air to meet someone so genuinely sweet and nice. Louis is somewhat completely insane but he's also really funny and he immediately cheers me up the moment it gets a little bit too much. He's understanding, nice and super super sweet. 

"Coffee?" Liam texts me in the middle of eating breakfast. Jess and Hannah are running around trying to figure out where Jess' favorite red sweater is and screaming stuff at each other. 

I smile and text him back. "What time?" I could definitely use some me-time and the lads were such a laugh to be around. 

"Right now. Lou wants some Starbucks :p Should we meet at the Starbucks on 119th WstMnst street in 15 minutes?"

"OK :) See you there!" I text back and plop my bowl into the sink.

I rinse it out and stick it into the dishwasher. Jess runs around trying to find her favorite leopard-printed jacket and Hannah is running around trying to find her bright red Nike high tops. It's chaos. I feel like the only one who's sane around here, but it's definitely nice to be back and not stuck in some nasty cold hospital room. Ew. The food was pure nasty.

I grabbed my jacket and slip it on, slipping on my grey Converse high tops and thread in the neon pink laces to match my new pink shirt I'm wearing. I glance at myself in the mirror with my new pink sleeveless collared top with the studs, my white skinny jeans, the Converse and an armful of the craziest most random and colourful bracelets I've got. 

"Going somewhere?" Jess asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, yeah. Coffee at Starbucks with Liam and Louis." I grin as I grabbed my car keys. "I've got no classes today anyway."

"Ooh, have fun then." She winks at me mischievously. 

"OK, see you later." I head out the door and hop into my vintage pale yellow Volkswagon Beetle which I named Unreliable Renee. She's a pretty crazy car, driving fine one minute then breaking down the next minute but I wouldn't trade her for any fancy shmancy new get up in the world. Nope, not even a Ferrari. She starts perfectly this time and it's no problem driving as I park my car in a parking spot 20 minutes later in front of the Starbucks. 

Liam's already at the counter ordering with Louis, who has his face pressed up against the glass display showing off slices of cake and croissants and buns. 

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