Chapter Five

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I have to admit, I didn't know who to cast as Elle. She had to be blonde and have gray eyes so I literally Googled "blonde celebrity" and after some scrolling, I landed on a picture of Sara Paxton. The girl I only know as the girl who played Aquamarine. And I LOVE her, she's so damn gorgeous! I totally forgot about her and then I decided OK, she's perfect as Elle then I realized she had gray eyes too so that's PERFECT.

Yes I do know how pathetic that sounds ahaha. So here's chapter FIIIVEEE :) Hope you guys enjoy it!! I worked really hard on this, so I hope you guys enjoy it!! 


It's been two weeks since the day that One Direction first met me in a tiny tank top (which until now, I do not understand how Niall got his hands on a tiny pink silk tank top and I've decided maybe I didn't want to know the details).

Me and Niall have been calling each other a lot lately and Skyping pretty much everyday because we're all too busy to actually meet in person. I'm busy with college, studying for finals and classes and Niall's got non-stop rehearsals and stuff to do. 

Jess and Hannah had me up until four in the morning after Harry and Niall left that day with the paintings (Niall offered to buy the one I did of him for 20 pounds and I agreed, deciding I'll just do another one), just asking me every single detail of the entire night and how I met and so on. God it was so tiring and all I wanted to was sleep but they kept insisting and throwing pillows at me everytime my eyelids drooped.

I was in my room, supposed to be studying for the big test coming up when a little box popped up on my laptop. NiallHoran1993 wants to videochat. Accept? I stared at it, deliberating for a long while before sighing and clicking "Yes". Maybe the art stuff can wait a bit longer. I needed a break anyway. 

"Hey babe," Niall said, grinning at me.

"Hi," I said, instantly smiling. God he was so gorgeous and his smile really was so infectious. I still can't believe he's interested! OK, maybe we were just friends right now but still... And maybe part of me smiling was because he was shirtless. Mind you, he didn't have a rocking hot body with killer 6 pack abs, but it was still total eye candy.

"What are you doing?" he asked, noticing the books. 

"Erm, just studying. Finals you know?" I said, shrugging. Shit. I probably looked like a mess with my hair scraped back, no makeup, shitty T-shirt on with sweats and no contacts on. "Erm can you give me a minute?" 

"Ah, sure." He looked confused. God, he's so cute when he looks confused!!

I darted to my wardrobe and quickly pulled on a dress, ripping my hair out of my ponytail and trying my best to make it look somewhat tidy, dabbing some make up on and slicking on some lip gloss. I hopped back on the swirly chair on my desk.

"Hi!" I said brightly.

"Are you studying? I'm sorry, I should probably let you study. Urm -"

"It's fine," I interupted quickly. "I needed a break anyway. I've been studying for hours." I sweeped the books to one side. "So, you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah," he said, his face stretching into a irresistible smile. "Are you free tonight?"

"I don't know, I might have to study... Big test and everything," I said, pulling a face. "I wish I could! God but I need to keep my grades up to keep my scholarship. If I mess this up, there's no way I can afford tuition and I'll have to drop out."

"Whoa. OK, then study. I should go actually, me and the lads are planning a surprise party for Louis for his birthday. It's a week from now and we're completely blank on what to do with it. Liam suggested a party but right now, we have nothing planned."

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