Chapter Sixteen

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Firstly I would love to thank my amazing amazing, incredibly talented, dearest bestie/ Internet wife @shadafow for writing me part of the beginning of chapter 16!! AMAZING ISN'T IT? I know, I'm pretty blown away myself!! Go check her account out, she's incredible! 

Matt McKibben from chapter 15 is actually indeed Matty McKibben from MTV's Awkward (in case you were wondering they sounded alike)!! I really like Matty so why not put him into my fanfic? :)

Anyway in this chapter, you'll get to meet our new character, Karma Sage who's a wacky hippie who's obsessed with world peace and yoga and just your typical hippie really. She's sweet and pretty but don't let her fool you, she's really really REALLY crazy!! She's been SO fun to write, and yippee, new chapter!!

There's a MAJOR twist at the end of this story, you'll be shocked, I promise!! A very dramatic ending indeed!! 

Thanks to everyone who's voted, fanned and commented <3 This means the world to me, thank you!! I love you all xx


Niall Horan

I’d been walking for what felt like hours, but was only minutes from what I knew. After I’d calmed down enough to stop bawling like a little girl, I decided it was best if I made my way away from the random street I was on.

Only after I was already walking did I realize I didn’t even know where I was going. Where would I be going? To the lads? No, of course not. Harry hated me right now and the last thing I wanted to do was to go home and reveal the horrifying details of the perfect date gone awry.

I shuddered. It was horrible. The whole thing went absolutely wrong. And Elle…oh, Elle. Just thinking her name made my heart ache. I wanted to reach inside, yank the dang thing out and throw it in the gutters. I didn’t want to feel anything anymore. I wanted to be numb, so numb.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t do that. Nearly a half block later, it started to drizzle. I swore under my breath, hoping it wouldn’t rain. I didn’t feel like walking around in a soaked tux. But who cares? Who cares about the dang tux? Not me, not Harry, not Elle. Not anyone.

Snarling angrily, I loosened the collar on the damned thing and shook my head to clear away my raw thoughts. Unfortunately that wasn’t going to happen. What I needed was a beer…hell, I needed an ocean full of alcohol to clear my head.

I found myself sitting on a random bench a few avenues down. My head was pounding from the horrid replays of what Harry said. Was I really that horrible to Elle? I tried to rack my brain for a time where I did do something special for her and sadly, I came up empty, which only made me feel shittier than before. Sighing, I ran a shaking hand through my hair, well knowing I looking like crap. Half dried tears streaking my cheeks, ruffled tux and well… an overall crapness aura, I did look like crap.

My ears perked up when I heard gravel crunching under tires as a car rolled up near the bench I was occupying. “Niall!” I heard. Nudging my head up, I found Liam jumping out of the car and hurrying over to me.

I didn’t have the energy to do anything but sit.

“Niall!” he shouted again as he closed in on me. Liam stood unsure for a second before plopping down next to me. He waited silently for me to say something but my thoughts were too jumbled up for me to say anything that made sense. “Niall, come on buddy. Let’s go home.”

I sighed, shaking my head. “What is home, Liam? What is home?” My words came out shaky and throaty, probably raw from all the crying I’d done.

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