Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Harry Styles

I tried to keep my emotions in check as I pushed open the door of the small deli down the street, a bell chiming quietly to cue my arrival. I pulled my beanie lower over my head and slipped my sunglasses on in case we got spotted. No one was supposed to know we were in LA. Not yet anyway.

"Hey," the man behind the counter calls. "Just watch out for that drippy air-conditioning as you past OK?" He didn't even bat an eyelid as he straightened his paper, despite the fact that I was dressed like I was probably going to rob him.

He probably had a gun under the counter like half the owners in LA did. 

I walked past the rows of battered cans to the back, where the fridges were. I opened the door and pulled out a can of Coke and a Red Bull for Niall. He seemed to be obsessed with those things, I don't know what is wrong with that lad. I headed for the junk food aisle and dug through the big pile of bags of chips for the ones I wanted. It seemed like someone wasn't bothered enough to arrange them on the shelves and just tossed them all together into a pile.

I bent down to pick up the ones I dropped when they slipped off the others the exact same moment my phone buzzed quietly in my pocket. NIALL flashed across the screen as I hit answer.

"What Niall?" I asked quietly, trying to juggle the four cans and 7 bags of chips and hold my phone at the same time. 

"Er... Elle needs you to get something for her too."

"What?" I asked, crinkling my nose. "Elle?" I made sure the guy wasn't looking as I slipped my sunglasses back into my pocket. I took my beanie off, fixed my hair and put it back on.

"Er, Kate. I mean... the girls!"

"What is it?" I groaned quietly. I didn't have time for this crap, honestly. I was exhausted. I only slept about 3 hours on the plane because I was forcing myself to read that book. Mostly because Elle was reading it and I was hoping we could have something to talk about afterwards.

All last night, I couldn't sleep well either because the other lads were playing Fifa really loudly and my mind was switched back to the mode it was two days before Elle's graduation. I couldn't sleep at all and my mind kept wandering back to the fact that Niall and Elle was curled up with each other sleeping right now. 

And I wanted her to be curled up with me. 

I shook my head as I tried to get it out of my head.


"What?" I asked blankly.

"They need tampons. Can you get some?"

"You're asking me... to get tampons?" I asked. "You're the boyfriend, go get them yourself. I'll rather die than be caught dead buying tampons! Why didn't they plan ahead? Nope. I'm not doing this." I got up and walked to the counter to pay. "No. Way."

"Haaaaazzz," Niall whines over the phone and I roll my eyes.

I hate it when Niall gets whiny. He's so irritating when he starts getting all whiny. I don't know if it's my current position with severe lack of sleep or if I've always felt this way - but I have always felt a tiny bit irritated by people who whine. It's stupid and annoying. 

"I don't have time for this, Niall," I groaned. "I'm not your errand boy. OK? I've got stuff to do too! And maybe that involves me playing Temple Run 2 somewhere in a park but at least that's something that I want to do, not something you want me to do for you. I'm already getting you snacks and drinks while you play Fifa all day and I'm tired of being someone you can just boss around! If your girlfriend wants you to get tampons for her, go get them yourself."

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