Chapter Fourteen

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How is everyone doing on this fabulous day? Haha. I'm currently hyper so don't mind me :) Sorry the beginning IS sort of boring but it's essential for the overall effect LOL. The ending is interesting I promise!!

FINALLY Niall realised he's been sort of shitty to Elle (though I'm sorry I never did mention that part, I didn't have the time. Niall's been a sort of shitty boyfriend to Elle for the past 2 months or so, which I think is highly unlikely in real life because Niall is the sweetest angel on Earth but for the sake of the story, he did act sort of shitty). He makes it up to her by... talking to a gallery owner in LA who's interested in doing a showcase for her work and even going to talk to a art magazine in LA!! Which sort of makes up a little but the ending is... the amazing date that Niall planned to make it up to Elle (with some help from Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam!).

Sorry if this chapter is sort of crappy, I've been buried under homework at school and really stressed out, the words haven't been coming to me that well these few chapters. I'm so so so sorry!! :(

Please vote, comment and fannn :) It would mean the world to me I promise xx 

Also, I don't want to be a spoiler but in the next few chapters, she's meeting a new character, Karma Sage (yup, I'm serious that IS her name!), that happens to be a MAJOR hippie. That's all I'm saying! Thanks to my gorgeous bestie/ Internet wife @shadofow for the suggestion!! :) I'm dedicating the next chapter to you, babe xx


"McKibben?" I say into the phone, sitting in Lou and Harry's shared flat. Harry's busy making me some soup, which he insisted on making since he insists that the whole incident was fully his fault, which is ridiculous but still pretty sweet. Louis was on a date with Eleanor at the moment so we were alone in the flat.

"Ellie Robinson! How did you get my number?" he cried. 

"Urm..." I bit my lip, not wanting to tell him I kind of called EVERYone I knew to get it. That seemed kind of creepy stalker-ish and he seemed convinced I was obsessed with him and I didn't want to add fuel to his deluded fantasy. 

"So you were saying you AREN'T obsessed with me?" he teased and I could tell he was grinning so wide, he probably looked like a Cheshire cat. 

"I'm not. I'm probably not going to make it tonight." 

"Really? Damn. Is Mr Superstar bringing you somewhere fancier? You know, we can always party up to London and I heard the Funky Buddha club is wicked."

"No, urm, something sort of came up," I lied. 

"Like what?" he prompted and I rolled my eyes. I knew this wasn't going to be easy. "Ellie, you can tell me. I think I'm old enough to accept rejection. Is Mr Superstar getting all paranoid and jealous? Because I swear, I have a girlfriend!"

"No, Mr Superstar doesn't care by the slightest," I replied. Harry appeared wearing those really tall white chef hats and a apple printed apron with two eggs on his boobs with "HAPRY BREAKFAST" on it. I almost burst out laughing. He looked RIDICULOUS. Harry pretended to look hurt as he put a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of me. 

"Listen, I have to go. I'm sorry but something came up OK? Can we just leave it as that?" I said hurriedly. 

"OK, but you're coming to the next afterparty right?"

"Definitely. When?"

"Thursday at nine, same place," he replied and I nodded, making a mental note to make sure I went.

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