Chapter Seventeen

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My knees buckled and I crashed on to the floor into a puddle. It was like someone punched me straight across the face and stabbed a knife into my guts. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. I open my mouth to say something but it's too late. The tears flood out like Niagara Falls and my mind's too jammed up to even comprehend what was happening. 

It couldn't be Elle. 

Trust me, I've been hurt plenty of times. But it was like all those bitter memories smushed into one at the same time times a million. I didn't think that amount of pain is even possible.

My mind was too jammed up to register anything. Everything blurred up, I couldn't breathe, it was like someone was burning me alive from the inside out and I couldn't do anything, not even scream. Some one wrapped their arms around me in some attempt to comfort me but I pushed it away. I needed some time.

"Niall," Liam's voice said gently.

"Leave me alone," I said but it sounded like 'larghsjs' instead. My windpipe was all stuffed up and it was like someone shoved a cotton ball down my throat. This couldn't be happening. It wasn't real, just some sick sick dream. 

It's all my fault. I should've went after her. I shouldn't have ever let her get in that stupid car without a fight. I should've done something! I didn't even try. I didn't even try to change her mind or try to get her back. I let her GO. WHY? I should've done something! Why didn't I? What was wrong with me?! 

There was silence. My head was buried in the sleeve of my shirt and I didn't ever want to come up. I didn't want to see Elle like that. She had long blonde hair and pretty grey eyes and a infectious laugh, not what was lying on the bed.

"How?" I managed to croak, but I couldn't be bothered if they understood me or not. There was a achingly long silence. "HOW?" I demanded, frustrated. 

"Accident. It was a accident!" Louis rushed out.

"What Lou really meant was... it was an accident," Zayn's voice said calmly. "She was crossing the road at Lennie's Park. She was hit by a motorcycle but the impact pushed her on to the road and into the way of a lorry."

The breath got caught in my throat. I should've been there. I should've been protecting her, like I promised!

"When?" I asked, not breathing.

More silence. "Midnight, yesterday," someone replied. I couldn't even tell who was speaking anymore. It didn't matter anyway.

"But Louis found her."

My head snapped up and something human made me respond. "What?" I demanded sharply. Lou looked about to cry as he attempted to hug me, mumbling apologies but I pushed him back roughly, staring at him desperately. "What do you mean you found her?" I demanded. 

"She was lying on the street," Lou whispered. "She was lying in a very scary pool of blood. We were looking for you. I called an ambulance straight away." He shook his head as tears spilled out of his eyes.

"How?" I screamed. "How can this happen to her?!"

"I'm sorry, Niall! I'm really really sorry," Louis whispered. Zayn wrenched my hands off Lou's shoulders and pushed me on to the sofa. I curled up into a ball, my knees hugged tightly to my chest and buried my head in my jeans, crying my eyes out.

"She broke 3 ribs and her arm broke in 3 places," someone else voice's slowly said. "Her leg was a clean break through the bone, nothing serious. But she had to have face reconstruction to fix her right jaw, which was splittered. The lorry broke everything on the right side of her body. The doctors had to put her into a coma because her brain was swelling..." 

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