Chapter Thirty

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WHOAAA. Chapter 30! I did NOT expect to get this far and I'm actually barely even done. Idk if you guys are getting bored of it or not but I feel like there's still so much of Elle I haven't talked about and even though it doesn't seem like it, I haven't actually written that much about Nelle (or as much as I would have liked to anyway). 

But so far, it's chapter 30 and I'm just happy as shit. Voteee and commenttt I love you all xx

Niall Horan

"Elle?" I whispered, brushing her hair off her forehead. She looked like an angel, innocent and beautiful as she slept, all that worry and pain gone. She looked so peaceful and content. She stirred slightly, her chest going up and down slowly as she breathed. One eye flicked open slightly and she smiled sleepily at me.

"Oh," she rasps in her adorable morning voice. "Good morning." She stretches, her hair sprawling around her on her pillow, almost white under the sunlight coming in through her window. 

"You hungry?" I ask.

"Oh, God yes." She smiled at me as she sat up slowly, blinking sleepily in the light. "What time is it?"

"Nine," I admitted, blushing. "I got her around eight. I like watching you sleep."

"Why are you here so early? You should be sleeping! Look at your eyes!" she exclaims, grabbing my chin and pulling it closer as she examines my eyes. "God, I feel bad. You should be sleeping, Niall!" She sounds like my mum. She shook her head as she kissed me quickly on the lips and I smiled back at her. 

"Do I look that bad?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. 

"No, not really." She swung her feet around the side of the bed as she headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth. "You look really tired though. Haven't you been sleeping well?" She looked concerned and I chuckled. Typical Elle. I hung around the doorway as she brushed her teeth.

"I've been sleeping great. Though still a bit jet-lagged sometimes. The last few nights, Zayn and Lou have been hitting the clubs hard. Danielle is here, along with Eleanor. Harry's sister is here, with his mum to visit him. They're all staying at our place, which honestly is big enough to fit probably another ten more people," I report.

"Oh wow. Busy few days huh?" she asked, rinsing her mouth. She wiped her mouth with a towel. "I haven't seen Dani and El is a long time. Probably great to catch up. They're such lovely girls." She smiled as she grabbed her shampoo and body wash, hopping into the shower. 

"Did they say when you could be out? I've really missed you," I say over the sound of the running water.

"Today, actually," she calls back. "I know babe, I've missed you loads too. It's so boring, stuck in a hospital all the dang time. It's sort of depressing. Considering K is out everyday pounding the streets of Rodeo Drive and emptying the contents of her dad's bank account." She laughed. "Thank God for the books though. Li's been bringing them around everyday. I read a lot more, with so much time on my hands. And the TV is crap. All they ever show is bad sitcoms and even worse reality TV. I don't think they even know what cable is." 

I laughed. "Sorry I haven't been around either. Li's been really clingy and rehearsals and recording are complete drags. Today is my day off though, we could go around LA. You know, sight-seeing, doing tourist-y stuff."

"Sounds great, I'm dying to get out of this place!"

After a few minutes, she reappeared from the shower wrapped up in her towel as she brushed past me into the room. She dug around the backpack in the corner and retrieved a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black cropped top, pulling them on. She stuffed some of her stuff into the backpack, handing me the 4 stuffed toys she gotten and the bouquet of pink roses and daffodils. 

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