Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six: My Graduation Party

Elle Robinson

"Whoa. What did you do to my cheekbones?" I gasp.

It was definitely magic, because Kate had single-handedly transformed a plain, drabby boring London girl to something red carpet knock-out. I looked like something people spent hours PhotoShopping to produce, perfect high cheekbones that made the rest of my face look so so skinny, my face was literally glowing and my dress fit so perfectly, I wanted to cry.

"Told you all those hours of work are worth it," K said, so smug she should have canary feathers on her lips. "See the hair, the perfect bun twist with these incredible sapphire hair combs." 

"It's perfect, Kate," I said, my throat thick. I could feel tears brimming my eyes.

"Don't you dare cry and ruin my new masterpiece!" she warned, slapping me with the powder puff. "Wait. Another dash of powder. We don't want you shining in a wrong way." She laughed quietly as she added a light layer of powder. 

"It's nine, K. How long did you spend doing my make up?" I asked.

"The usual amount! You can't go around looking like crap on your graduation!" she insisted, dragging me over to the door. "OK, brace yourself. You'll be down there in... exactly two point five minutes and I don't want you to ruin it! You'll be floating down these stairs here, no tripping please! The music will play a different tune, specifically Vivaldi's Four Seasons' spring. That is absolutely no problem but the main part is a small spotlight will land on you as you descend so the crowd is forced to look."

I gulped. "OK."

"There'll be trumpets so don't jump and fall down the stairs or anything. And then... first you'll be whisked into Niall's arms. Customary first dance, couple stuff... you know. Anyway next will be your dad followed by Dylan, and the pretty much goes in order of importance. Example, you can refuse to dance with Cameron Heffley until Harry gets a turn on the floor."

"Who is Cameron? And why would Harry be more important than Cameron? I'm sure he's a lovely lad!"

"Purely example, Elle. Here's your marker!" she said brightly as she sprints away and I stare blankly at the steps in front of me. The steps are gentle sloping marble steps with fairly wide banisters to grip on to and there was a red carpet rolled out so I didn't have to worry too much about slipping on marble. 

Suddenly the song slowly morphs seemlessly into something I recognize instantly as Vivaldi's famous Four Seasons. "Go!" the flowers on my left squak to me. "Walk!"

"Kate?" I squeaked, my eyes widening in horror.

"GO BEFORE ANYONE SEES YOU AND LOSES THE SURPRISE!" she whisper-shouts and I nod to myself, trying to pep myself up to do it. God I hate attention. I hate being singled out for anything and this was the worst thing I could imagine. 

I grip the banister securely as I take my first step down the curve, my view of the party was blocked but it was OK. I wasn't too keen on them seeing me either. Icould hear the babble of the party, the grills outside, glasses chinking together, the scent of perfume and something else delicious, mixing with the unmistakable scent of freesia, roses and orange blossoms. 

I took another three more steps and froze slightly when about 40 pair of eyes turned towards me but kept my head enough to continue floating down the steps as gracefully as I could. I didn't trip or anything and what I hoped was a genuine, warm relaxed smile was plastered on my face. Everyone was in semi-formal wear, something very odd for a grill-out. 

The girls' eyes were mixed with envy and admiration while the lads' were filled with something I could only imagine as shock and surprise. Niall was standing at the bottom of the steps, waiting for me in this amazing dark gray suit and I wanted to cry when my eyes locked in his. Because everything didn't matter anymore.

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