Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Elle Robinson

Oh God. What. Am. I. Freaking. DOING?!?! I'm kissing Harry freaking fucking Styles! Oh yeah, did I mention he's my boyfriend's BEST FRIEND!! STOP, I command myself.

It is completely utterly wrong that I don't want it to stop? Is it completely utterly wrong that something just so WRONG feels so damn right? Is it completely utterly wrong that the only emotion I could feel right now was relief and this incredible swell of happiness beyond the point that even I couldn't explain it? Is it even possible to love two guys beyond the point of sanity? Is it even bothering me at all that I'm cheating on the most perfect guy on Earth with his best friend and i don't even care? 

I didn't know the answers to any of those questions but right now, it would have to fucking wait because I knew two things:

a) I've been lying to myself the entire time.

b) I didn't care. 

The first thing Harry does is stiffen up like he's been electrocuted. It's a few seconds before he seems to understand what is going on and he relaxes the tiniest bit, a dark thrill travelling down my spine. His hand lifts up to my waist for a second and before he can respond, he drops to the floor in a heap.

I take a step back, shocked. "Harry?" I breathe. "HARRY?!" I drop to my knees and shake his shoulder furiously. "HA-RREEE!" I scream so loudly, my own eardrums feel like exploding, like as if screaming his name any louder would make him open his eyes. I grab his two cheeks and shake them gently. "Harry please, please please don't you dare - I-" I'm cut off by my own sobbing. 

Someone rips me off him and I struggle, kicking furiously, shrieking his name, gripping on to his arm for dear life. Two paramedics instantly load him on to a stretcher and carry him away and one of the SWAT guys tear our hands apart. I'm screaming my head off, a stupid survival instinct told me they were going to hurt him even more even though my brain is screaming at me to shut the hell up. I'm borderline hysterical before something pricks my neck and it goes blank.


"Ow," I mumble. I open my eyes and I see Kate's face pressed to the window. "Kate?" I mumble. "What are you -" I sit up slowly, my head throbbing slightly. I feel stiff and my bones feel creaky and old, like I had arthritis or something.

"Bad news," she replied, flopping back on the chair. She looks awful - pale and her hair is messed up and she's wearing the exact same clothes she was wearing the day of... I pause. I didn't let myself think of it, quickly switching gears.

"What bad news?" I demand frantically. "How is Harry?"

K has a big bandage over her arm where she cut it and her cheek was slightly bruised under her eye but other than that, she looked fine. My gaze landed on the brace she was wearing on her left ankle. "Oh. That." She rolled her eyes as she waved her hand away. "I twisted it, just a minor sprain. Nothing serious. Good thing too because you have no idea how much of a pain a sprained ankle is when you're going shopping!"

"How is Harry?" I demand urgently, desperate to know how the boy that pretty much risked his entire life to save mine was. All I knew was he was bleeding. It didn't manage to see where he was bleeding but it was a LOT of blood. 

"God he's fine. Whatever. Anyway, Niall is -"

"KATE!" I cried in exasperation. "HARRY STYLES. OK? I want to know about Harry!"

She rolls her eyes. "God, what a girlfriend. He's fine. He's in the next room with all the other lads. I had to practically manhandle Niall away from you to get him to see Haz. He was literally crazy all night and he slept here and he honestly annoyed the nurse and doctor so much." She chuckled. "Anyway, Harry was shot in his shoulder, dislocated his other shoulder, had this big cut on his arm that had glass in it and needed 6 stiches and minor bruises and cuts everywhere else. He was in the ER for a solid 12 hours to fix everything."

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