Bonus Mini-Chapter

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THIS IS NOT A ACTUAL CHAPTER. It's going to be a really short one. Enjoy! :) Hopefully, you enjoy this extra piece of delicious dirt.

Harry Styles

"I don't know how much I should tell the lads," I say, rubbing my forehead. A nasty habit - I did it when I was nervous or worried. And I was definitely worried. What is they found out? 

"Will you relax?" Kate complains. She shovels more cereal into her mouth. "God, you don't have to tell them anything, OK? They don't have to know. Jesus, Haz. You're such a goodie. Haven't you ever kept a secret?"

"Nothing remotely this big!" I cry, taking a big gulp of my tea. It tasted weak and horrible as I dumped it into the sink. Ugh. I rinse my mouth with water from the tap before leaning against the countertop. I watch a seagull fly past the window. God, the guilt was killing me inside. Because I knew how very wrong it was.

"Will you chill the fuck out?" she complains.

I nod. OK, it's going to be OK. How on Earth will they know? Not like they're going to hire private detectives to chase my ass or go through hotel surveillance videos. Or maybe hire a driver to follow me everywhere and take long lens photos. 

Stop it Harold.

"Look, if you're that guilty, we could stop," K snaps. She looks annoyed as she dumps the empty bowl on the room service tray and started collecting all the other stuff. 

"But I don't want to stop," I admit, blushing slightly.

She looks up. "You can't have it both ways, Harry," she tells me firmly. She walks up to me, so close our noses are almost touching. "You either let the world know or we stop. Because I don't want to be your fucking secret all the time. I'm sick of hiding. I want something more out of this. And I know you're just doing this because of you can't get over Elle."

"And I'm fine with it," she continues. "Because I don't want to be your secret anymore. You tell them or I will." The last sentence is a threat as she grabs her bag, shoving all her stuff in as she fixes her hair in the mirror before turning to leave. 

My hand grabs the doorknob, stopping her before she can leave. Somehow, I had leviated across the room to the door without realizing it. "No. Please," I plead. "Give me some time."

She turns to me with a angry glare. "Why?" she demands. "So you can make up some stupid story?"

"What story?" I ask, confused.

"You know, a cover-up. For all this." 

"Of course not," I say, shocked. "I won't. I need the time to tell them. OK? To find the right words to say it. I can't go and blurt it out."

She glances at the clock. "It's late. Go and do your fucking recording. They'll be worried about you, you know." She looks pointedly at my phone lying on the table which has been ringing non-stop for the past hour until I turned it off. 

"No. Kate, stop. I don't want this to end."

"What is 'this'? We don't have anything, Harry," she snaps. "It's never been anything to you. You've been using me all this time and I don't want to be your... TOY. OK? I'm worth more than that. I deserve more than that. You can't play with me then toss me aside like I never meant anything to you other than a simple fling."

"But you're not," I interrupted. "I think I love you. Even though you're rude and snappy and bitchy... I find it really hot. And this isn't just a fling." I look deep into her eyes. "Tell me you never felt anything for me."

"I never have," she tells me, staring at me directly.

"You're lying."

She laughs bitterly. "God, this is so typical YOU. You think the entire female population will drop at your feet at your will. This is exactly why Elle never wanted you. This is exactly why I'm ending it. We're over, Harry. And that's final." 

She turns and shoves the door open and storms out. I run after her in my pajama bottoms and nothing else, chasing her down the hallway. I wait patiently next to her for the  lift and get in with her. 

"What the fuck Harry? Can't you leave me alone?" she demands.

"No. Because what we have is real," I say calmly. 

"Real?" she demands. "The only 'real' thing that you've ever tried was falling for a girl that would never love you back. Admit it, you're nothing but shallow and a dick. You're a dick!" She hurls the last words at me angrily. 

I pin her against the wall, gently so I don't hurt her, but firm enough so she can't shove me away. "Then say it's over. Because I don't think it is." She doesn't respond as I press my lips to her neck, kissing her soft skin.

She turns around and slaps me across the face. "Fuck you," she spits, storming out as the lift door opens. My face is stinging as I watch her scamper across the marble lobby. It's past 5pm by now and I was starving. 

"KATE!" I yell, running across the busy road earning loud honks as cars screech to a stop as well as several fingers. I grab her waist, spinning around and smashing my lips to hers. She's caught off guard as I kiss her roughly. Her bag slips off her shoulder and drops on to the sidewalk, scattering the contents over the cement. 

She shoves me off her and glares at me. "How dare you," she growls. She bends down as she picks up all her stuff. I help her, collecting some make up and handing it back to her. She glares at me as she turns on her heel and walks away from me.

Towards the hotel.

I raise an eyebrow as I cross the road, watching as she disappears in the lift. I'm confused as I walk across the marble lobby and press the lift button. The lift opens. My floor hallway is empty as I scan the room key card and twist the handle, opening the door into a messy room, exactly as I left it. Except her coat and bag is hung on the coat rack.

"Kate?" I call cautiously. Maybe she got a knife hidden in her bag and is planning to jump out at me and stab me. I'm actually afraid. 

A figure jumps out and drags me to the bed. She pushes me on my back on the bed as she kisses me roughly on the lips.

"God, I'm so going to regret this in the morning," she says.

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