Chapter Twenty-Three

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What did you guys think of Chapter Twenty-TWOOO?? 

Elle Robinson

I crossed my legs for the hundredth time that night as I stared at my watch, panic slowly raising in my gut. It was already six and Mum's dinner was in HALF AN HOUR. The plane was still going in circles above the airport because the air control tower was currently flooded and they couldn't allow us to land just yet because about 7 billion other planes from other countries were flying in at the same time and we were considered pretty irrelevant because we're a domestic flight and the other planes were international ones.

I drummed my fingers on the tray, uncrossing my legs then switching sides. I leaned back in my extra wide leather seat. Thanks to Harry, who managed to book me a seat in first class so I wasn't forced to squish with the other people in coach with tiny seats and about a two inch leg space. 

I swear all this money, especially him insisting to hire a town car to speed me off to Mum's dinner instead of getting a cab, was going to spoil me. I bet coach and normal cabs would be utterly disgusting to me after this and then I'll be flat out broke every month to pay for drivers and first class tickets.

My nails were still freshly painted, a bright sparkly jade green which would probably clash horribly with my lilac dress. It was new and cost me an arm and a leg. It was H&M, which is supposed to be cheap but the more dressy formal outfits usually cost a LOT. It was short with a big tutu-style skirt and a fitted heart-shaped neckline.

I glanced at my watch again. Maybe I should call Mum and tell her I'll be a bit later. I dug my phone out of my bag and dialled Ally's number. She flew in yesterday to be at Mum's birthday dinner which was nice of her. She and her husband, Dylan were the ones who reserved the fancy dinner at the Ritz-Carlton London and paid for it all. 

Maybe having a super rich husband has its perks after all. Though I THINK Ally married him because of his money. He's completely smitten by her, of course but Ally is a bit nonchalant about it all, maybe because she's used to dating rich guys, I'm not sure.

"Ally?" I say when she picks up.

"Er, no. This is Dylan."

"Oh. OK, is Ally there? I'm still stuck in our plane. Our plane hasn't got permission to land thanks to the millions of other planes waiting to land. I might be a bit late..."

"Really? Oh, OK. But our reservation got pushed back to seven thirty. Your mum is having trouble with her dress. It ripped and Ally had to rush it to the tailors but they could only finish it by seven. And the hotel would have given our table up to someone else by then so I called a favor from a friend and managed to get it pushed back an hour. Do you think you can get here in an hour?"

"I don't know how immigration would be like..." I said slowly. "With all these planes, it could be a long wait."

"It's alright. I'll cover you up until you get here. Be quick!"

"Oh my God, thanks Dylan! You're the BEST!" I grinned as I hung up and leaned back in my seat. We've been cruising around the airport for over 45 minutes by now. When on Earth are we going to land?!

I drummed my nails on the tray impatiently and Niall wrapped his hand around mine. "A bit impatient aren't we?" he teased, grinning. "And who's Dylan? Should I be worried?"

Oh, yeah. And Niall booked another ticket online and paid the previous owner who was sitting next to me 300 quid to switch seats with him. A bit ridiculous really but the businessman was happy to oblige. He wanted to follow me back home and I'm just crossing my fingers the lads don't do anything crazy while I'm gone. I left with a strict warning and Liam swore to keep them in line. 

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