78 | How he would react if you cheated

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Date: 2.20.21
Info: His reaction and behavior after he found out you cheated on him.

Ponyboy: Ponyboy would be so sad. He would show a lot of emotion and would probably be an emotional wreck for weeks, or maybe even months, after finding out. I could also see him rebounding with a one night stand right after (he'd still be sad though).

Sodapop: I know Soda doesn't drink or anything, but I could see this as a driving point for that. I think it would be the one time Soda gets drunk, probably with Steve or Ponyboy. I could also see him having the whole post-breakup makeover with a haircut or growing facial hair.

Darrel: Honestly Darry would probably pretend like he wasn't hurt. He'd bottle up his feelings because he has so many other things to worry about and doesn't take time for himself. But inside Darry would be really upset, and his heart would be broken any time he thinks of you.

Dallas: Would 100% pretend like he didn't care. He would talk so badly about you and hook up with any girl willing after he found out. But deep down he'd be really hurt and would wonder what he did wrong to make you cheat. He'd probably never forgive you.

Two-bit: Two-bit would be really embarrassed by it and would lie and say that he was cheating too. He'd make jokes like "yeah I was never that serious about y/n anyways", but like all the other guys, he'd be pretty hurt.

Johnny: He'd play tough throughout it all. Wouldn't shed a tear, but would probably have a deep talk with Pony or Dallas, still trying not to show any emotion during the talk though.

Steve: Steve would go full out uncontrollable. He'd have a night out with Soda and harass every person who gets near him, yelling and taunting. You better not go near him either after he finds out you've cheated. He wouldn't even let you walk by him without taunting or trying to argue.

Tim: He'd be really mad because his egos to big for the situation. He'd definitely not show any emotion and would most likely send Angela or Curly out to fight you.

Authors note: just wanted to say that none of these reactions are meant to ridicule the characters. Everyone handles emotion and situations differently, therefore there is no right or wrong way.

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