↳ Date: 8.25.19
↳ Info: what car rides are like with your greaser.Ponyboy: Ponyboy is super fun to ride in the car with. He loves the scenery and will take you out for joyrides just to look at new areas of town. If there's a pretty sunset Ponyboy won't hesitate to pull over and watch it with you.
Sodapop: With Ponyboy sharing a room with Sodapop and Darry being so strict, you and Sodapop's make out opportunities are very limited. You and Sodapop's go-to spot for making out (or a little more) is in the backseat of his car.
Darrel: Since the house is never empty, you and Darry usually take car rides to get some privacy. You and Darry will drive his truck out if you need to talk about something serious or simply for car sex.
Dallas: Late night car rides are y'alls thing. It doesn't matter if it's 3am, if you guys are up to it, your going for a ride around town. Dallas loves to drive you around town and have long talks while the town seems empty.
Two-bit: Two-bits car isn't the greatest, so long car rides aren't in the plans. You and Two-bit can however make the drive to the nightly double. Sitting in the car watching (or not watching) the nightly double movie is y'all's ideal Friday night.
Johnny: Johnny takes you on car rides to escape reality. If he's had a rough day with his dad or something he'll drive you guys out of town to get away for a while. Your fine with this because you love that Johnny has a healthy coping mechanism, all you have to do is withstand the smell of cigarettes for a few hours.
Steve: If Steve gets a hold of a nice car at work, he will for sure take you for a ride in it.
Mustangs, Cadillacs, you name it, you've rode in almost every nice car imaginable thanks to Steve. The only thing you have to do is avoid it's owner.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 - the Outsiders preferences
FanficYou loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like. My preferences include - Ponyboy Curtis Sodapop Curtis Darrel Curtis Dallas Winston Two-bit Mathews Johnny Cade Steve Randle Tim Shepard (...