↳ Date: 2.7.21
↳ Info: Their response (as a friend) to you announcing that you're dating a soc.Ponyboy: Honestly he wouldn't be very mad, unless it was like Bob or something. He'd be fascinated like "wow that's so progressive, good for you!".
If it was someone Pony specifically didn't like then you'd have a problem. He would downright ignore you until you broke up with them.
Sodapop: He'd be a little weary, but not mad or anything. He'd probably want to meet them and make sure they weren't bad or anything; but I think he'd do the same if they were a greaser.
Darrel: He'd be happy. He'd think they'd be a good influence on you and that you'll have a bright future if you stay with them rather than if you marry a greaser.
Dallas: BYE. This man would be livid! He would have a knife out and call Tim before you can even finish the sentence. He would hassle you for the name of the person so he could go "take care of them".
Two-bit: He'd be disappointed, but if you're happy then he's happy. But Two-bit will definitely let you know that "if the soc hurts you, he'll be in big trouble".
Johnny: Johnny would avoid you the entire time you're dating the soc. Not that Johnny wants to be mean or anything, he just doesn't trust any socs and he doesn't want to deal with the situation.
Steve: He'd be so whiny. "WhY dO yoU haVE tO beTRaY uS gREasErs Y/n????" He would literally whine and annoy you so much that you'd break up with the soc so he'd quit. But that was his plan all along.
Tim: Tim wouldn't be mad at the soc, he'd be mad at you. This man might actually try to fight you, or at least get Angela to fight you. I would either not date a soc, or just not tell him.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 - the Outsiders preferences
FanfictionYou loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like. My preferences include - Ponyboy Curtis Sodapop Curtis Darrel Curtis Dallas Winston Two-bit Mathews Johnny Cade Steve Randle Tim Shepard (...