2 | When you're cold

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Date: 07.10.19
Info: What he does when your cold.

Ponyboy: Ponyboy usually forgets a coat for himself and just withstands the cold. Since he's quite young and doesn't know when your hinting that your cold you have to say it out loud.

You: "Pony I'm a little chilly"
Pony: "I'll be right back hun!"

And before you can even say anything he's running full speed home to grab you a coat.

Sodapop: Soda's a sweetheart and will never let you even start to get cold. If he knows its cold outside he'll have you wearing one of his flannels before you even walk out the door.

Darrel: Darrel being the most responsible of the group won't let anyone get cold. He's constantly checking the weather forecast on TV and if it's even under 65 degrees he's on everyone's case, including yours.

You: "Come on Darry we're gonna be late"
Darry: "Alright Y/N grab a jacket, same with you Pony. I can't have y'all getting sick."

Dallas: Dallas is a tough guy and what's his is his.. except when it comes to you.

You: "Dal, I'm cold"
Dallas: "Damn Y/N, how the fuck is that my problem."

While he's saying this he's taking his leather jacket off and adjusting it on your shoulders gently.

Two-bit: If two is wearing his leather jacket and see's you even shiver he won't hesitate to throw it on you. On the occasion that neither you or two have a jacket and your cold, he will wrap you in his arms and hold you close no matter where you guys are. Sometimes you get the feeling he leaves his jacket at home on purpose so he can do that.

Johnny: Johnny always has his eyes on you. If he sees the slightest shiver he'll hand over his jacket to you. Usually after he gives you his jacket you notice a shivering Johnny trying to play it off cool. You always try to give his jacket back but he declines, and then you guys end up in a "no you have the jacket" argument.

Steve: Steve loves you and all, but if he's cold then he's cold. If you ask Steve for his jacket he will usually decline. This makes you mad, and Steve eventually notices and offers to take you out to make up for it.

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