You loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like.
My preferences include -
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Darrel Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-bit Mathews
Johnny Cade
Steve Randle
Tim Shepard (...
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This in no way is meant to be offensive to any character, I still love all of them lol.
Ponyboy: You cannot stand Curly Shepard.
It baffles you that your boyfriend Ponyboy can hang out with such a heartless hood like Curly. Sure the gang may have their fair share of crimes or mean jokes, but Curly has no regret or fear. Pony knows your dislike of Curly so he tries not to talk about him too much around you.
Sodapop: Steve is your least favorite of Sodas friends.
Though you like Steve (for the most part) he can get on your nerves at times. It's easy to see for some how Steve trying to impede on your date night can be annoying. Sometimes it feels like you and Steve are competing for Sodas attention.
Darrel: You have a dislike for Two-bit.
You and Two-bit haven't gotten along in years; following a certain event that almost traumatized you. You and Darry had been dating for about a month and you were taking a shower at his house thinking no one (other than Darry) was home. Little did you know Two-bit was watching you shower through the window, like the little perv he is.
Dallas: You can name a few things about Ponyboy Curtis that you don't like.
Not that you don't like Ponyboy, you just think Dallas shouldn't be hanging out with him. Ponyboy is so young and fragile and you know how your boyfriend Dallas can be. Dallas pretends he doesn't see you -the love of his life- when your upset; and Ponyboy cries if you just look at him wrong. The two just don't match in your mind.
Two-bit: Your least favorite of Two-bits friends is "that one dude." (Lmao please tell me y'all get this)
You, and many other people in town (probably even Two-bit) aren't sure of this guys name, but man does he bother you. Anytime your around him you get really weird vibes and there's awkward silence. It's better if you just stay away from him.
Johnny: You don't like for Johnny to hang around Dallas.
Dallas is trouble, anyone could tell you that. Anytime Johnny hangs out with Dallas you fear they could get into a scuffle with the police or maybe even wind up dead. Often times when Dallas and Johnny want to hang out you'll join along secretly wanting to 'supervise'; Dallas hates this.
Steve:You can't stand Steve's friend Evie. (Let's pretend their just friends ok?)
Call it jealous because maybe it is, but you just can't stand when Steve hangs around Evie. She constantly is touching his arms or laughing way too loud even when he's not telling a joke. You've even noticed that she'll leave the room completely when you walk in. Steve's got more distant from Evie though since you began dating him.