↳ Date: 2.7.21
↳ Info: so these are head-cannon styles of your relationship 20 years from then (or basically just an adult relationship - keep in mind that this time period is set around the 1980's). Remember the time frame and how these guys would realistically think and act.Ponyboy:
• Pony works for the Tulsa newspaper.
• Your job is just down the street from him so during your lunch breaks you meet up at a local deli and eat together.
• You're both very invested in your careers and have very ambitious personalities. Around his junior year of high school Pony became that very ambitious person. Darry told you he thinks Pony started thinking more of what his parents would want for him in life.
• You and Pony have a 2 year old son and plan on having more children soon.
• You two waited until your 30's to have kids because you wanted to get further in your careers first.
• You and Pony moved closer to downtown Tulsa and bought a pretty fancy condo with lots of rooms.
• When the gang comes over they're always in awe at how nice your home is (you got some interior design tips from Darry).
• Anytime you see a dog Pony gives you puppy dog eyes and tries to convince you to let him get one.Sodapop:
• He's a Vietnam veteran.
• Soda and Steve co-own a mechanic shop. You work with the guys usually doing receptionist work, but recently Sodas been teaching you how to work with cars so you can do more around the shop.
• You guys have a 12 year old son and a 9 year old daughter.
• Your son plays baseball and his uncle Darry is always picking on him telling him he needs to play football like him.
• Sodapop definitely has the whole trendy 80's look. A mullet, mustache, and the Jeffrey Dahmer glasses (idk how else to describe them lol), he rocks the look though and fortunately has aged very well.
• Your family and Steve's family have Sunday dinners together every week. Your kids are all really close friends too. Steve's kids refer to you and Soda as "Uncle Soda" and "Aunt y/n".
• Your family lives on the greaser side of town still, in a large ranch style home. Most of your neighbors are elderly and they just adore your little family.Darrel:
• After Pony moved out of the house Darrel quit his job as a roofer and started a house flipping business which surprisingly became a big hit in Tulsa and his work expanded throughout the state eventually.
• You usually help Darrel out with the interior design part of the house-flipping since, as Darrel put it, "you really have an eye for style babe." You two spend hours at your kitchen table flipping through catalogs and interior design magazines trying to find the perfect decor for your clients.
• Even though you and Darry became pretty wealthy (Soc status wealthy at least) you kept the old house because of all the memories it held. You guys did do some slight renovations on it though.
• You guys have a 17 year old daughter who just went off to college in Texas, so you guys are newly empty-nesters.
• Darry keeps saying he wants to have another baby since your only child just moved out. You aren't sure how you feel about this, maybe..
• You guys always host the cook-outs with the other greasers families.
• You have Christmas at your house with the greasers families, as well as July 4th, Easter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving.Dallas:
• Dallas would work construction jobs with Darry.. when he wasn't in the cooler.
• Even though you're his wife and he should be honest with you, Dallas always seems to have more money than he should for someone in his profession. You are almost sure he's stealing but never question him about it because, well, you need the money.
• You guys live in a 2 bedroom apartment downtown. The greasers think it's small, but you and Dally think it's a nice size and it works well.
• Right after you two married you moved to New York City for a short 4 months. You guys thought you wanted the big city life but after just a few weeks there you began to miss the gang and life in Tulsa.
• Dallas never wanted you to work and always said he would take care of you. Though you did work at certain points, when the money was low, to Dally's disapproval. His fragile ego always seemed to think you working was taking away his manhood.
• You and Dally always had an agreement in your relationship that you didn't want kids. But as your grew older realizing your time was running out, and watched the gang grow families, you realized that maybe you did want a child after all.
• Dally was still anti-child when you found out you were pregnant with your daughter, but he knew how much you wanted a family and would've done anything to make you happy. At the age of 35 you gave birth to your first and only kid.
• It was funny to you in the beginning because Dallas would always fight for your attention when you were tending to your daughter, it was like he was jealous she got all of your time. As she grew older though Dally grew a soft spot for her, and man did he spoil his daughter. When the gang began to notice, Dally became the laughingstock of the greasers, especially by Pony and Tim who, after all, never had daughters of their own so they wouldn't understand.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 - the Outsiders preferences
FanfictionYou loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like. My preferences include - Ponyboy Curtis Sodapop Curtis Darrel Curtis Dallas Winston Two-bit Mathews Johnny Cade Steve Randle Tim Shepard (...