You loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like.
My preferences include -
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Darrel Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-bit Mathews
Johnny Cade
Steve Randle
Tim Shepard (...
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Ponyboy: He's used to being treated like the baby by the guys so he wants to feel more dominant when he's with you. He loves to be the big spoon. When you guys spoon he often will trace his fingers up and down your curves. It sends chills down your spine, that's his favorite part because then you lean in closer to him.
Sodapop:Soda likes to lay facing you with you pressed as close as possible up to his body. Like a really tight embrace. You guys don't really chat or anything when you cuddle. You like to take in the silence and sounds of each other's breaths.
Darrel: When you guys are laying in bed he loves to lay face to face with his hands cupping your cheeks. You guys are often so close you can feel each other's breaths. Laying face to face is important because you and Darry have long talks in bed since it's one of the only places you get privacy.
Dallas: Dallas likes to pretend he's not into cuddling, but somehow you guys always end up in each other's arms. Every time you cuddle with Dallas you lay your head on his chest. You usually drift off to sleep with him rubbing circles into your arm or side.
Two-bit: Two-bit likes to sleep on his back so you'll lay your head on his chest and your body pressed against his side. Two-bit will tell you jokes and play with your hair until you fall asleep first. He always gives you a kiss on your forehead before he falls asleep.
Johnny:Johnny's kind of shy when it comes to cuddling so your typically the one to initiate it. Your usually the big spoon and like to scratch Johnny's back while you lay with him. If Johnny's in the mood for it, sometimes he'll be the big spoon.
Steve: Steve will actually lay on top of you, well like half on you, it started off as a joke but you guys ended up getting comfortable with it. While he lays atop you, you'll make out sleepily and usually fall asleep kissing.