↳ Date: 07.15.19
↳ Info: Your best friend from The Outsiders.
↳ Note: Based on your greaser.Ponyboy:
Your best friend: Your best friend is Cherry Valance. You and Cherry have been best friends since the beginning of high school at 14 years old. Cherry is the only other cheerleader that hangs out with greasers, so you both bond over that.What he thinks about your best friend: Before you and Pony started dating he had a small crush on Cherry. He's completely over his crush now that he's met you, the love of his life.
Your best friend: Your best friend is Darrel Curtis. Much like Darrel your really mature for your age. Darry likes that you can keep Soda out of trouble and rely on you to be responsible. You and Darry bond over doing things like cooking and talking about work/school.What he thinks about your best friend: Sodapop used to hate your friendship with Darry but it's grown on him since. Sodapops favorite thing about your friendship with Darry is that your always over and Darry gives you two privacy because he trusts you.
Your best friend: Your best friend is Ponyboy Curtis. Ponyboy sees you like a mother and always comes to you for advice or comfort. You love Pony like a son you never had.What he thinks about your best friend: Darrel loves that Ponyboy looks up to you because he knows you are a good role model. Darrel will often ask you how Pony's doing or ask you to talk to Pony about serious issues like his grades declining, him smoking, or him walking alone.
Your best friend: Your best friend is Buck Merrill. When you first met Dal you thought Buck was his dad so you made sure to leave a good impression. Over time you would confide in Buck and rant to him about you and Dally's relationship. Buck doesn't mind that you stay with Dally in his room because he loves your company in the bar and you occasionally help clean glasses and serve drinks.What he thinks about your best friend: Dallas is the jealous type but will never admit to it. When Dal is in jail he is always telling you things like "Don't sleep with Buck while I'm in here" You constantly have to assure Dally that there is nothing going on between you two.
Your best friend: Your best friend is none other than Keith Matthews. You love Two-bit with all of your heart and there is no one else you would rather get drunk with and wreck havoc. You and Two are basically just best friends that make out and sleep together.Johnny:
Your best friend: Your best friend is Dallas Winston. You know Dallas loves Johnny like a brother so you two are constantly talking about Johnny and protecting him.What he thinks about your best friend: Johnny likes the idea of Dallas being your best friend but he sometimes can get insecure when he thinks about how much of a player Dal is.
Your best friend: Marcia is your best friend. You love that after spending some time with quiet and reserved Marcia, you can go home to crazy and wild Steve. You and Marcia are constantly making fun of everyone and you teach her how to have fun like a greaser by taking her to bars and parties.What he thinks of your best friend: Steve actually hates Marcia. If Steve sees you with Marcia he will try to win over your attention by doing backflips or trying to make out with you. Steve thinks Marcia is boring and doesn't want you to end up like her.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 - the Outsiders preferences
FanfictionYou loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like. My preferences include - Ponyboy Curtis Sodapop Curtis Darrel Curtis Dallas Winston Two-bit Mathews Johnny Cade Steve Randle Tim Shepard (...