↳ Date: 1.11.20
↳ Info: the thing he's done in the relationship that's hurt you the most.Ponyboy: He (thought he) had fallen in love with Cherry Valance during your relationship with him. It was more so false feelings than actual love he was getting from Cherry. Needless to say however, this caused a major rift in your relationship with Pony. You broke up with him, and after a month apart he came begging for you to take him back.
Sodapop: You and Soda were in the midst of a pregnancy scare when you heard him talking to Steve at the DX. "I think I might need to leave, I don't know what Darry will think. I can't raise a child Steve!" You were on the way to the DX to tell him the good news (that you weren't pregnant) when you overheard that. Soda walked out of the building a moment later to find you. Upset and ready to run. He grabbed you and told you he was only afraid, still it took a lot to get over that.
Darrel: You and Darrel had been dating for 6 months when you found out he had kissed another girl. The time he kissed another girl you two had been dating for 2 weeks. It didn't hurt you so much that he was unfaithful, but that he didn't confess; you only found out because Tim Shepard told you.
Dallas: You found a bra in his room at Bucks. When you confronted him about it he tried saying Buck had some girl in his room when he wasn't home one night. You knew it was a lie.
You and Dallas broke up for some time before you forgave him and got back together.
Two-bit: One night at Bucks, Two-bit was slightly buzzed and thought it would be funny to pick a joke about your biggest (physical) insecurity in front of all his friends. He didn't realize he'd done wrong until you began crying, it took a lot to forgive him.
Johnny: There was once a whole week straight you didn't hear from or see Johnny. You were in a panic all week, anxiety constantly rushing through you. "Does he not love me" or "Has he gotten into some fatal trouble" were constant questions in your mind.
Seven days after last hearing from him you finally worked up the nerve for confrontation. Since you couldn't find Johnny you decided to go to his delinquent friend Dallas who you weren't very fond of (at this point in your relationship with Johnny you weren't really friends with any of the greasers). Within what turned into an argument with Dallas, you'd discovered Johnny's dad had beaten him severely and Johnny didn't want you to see him until he'd healed, he also didn't want to worry you. That's why he never called you either.
You went to find Johnny the next day (with Pony). When you found him you comforted him. Told him you would try to help make his situation better, that he should never feel like he needs to hide anything from you. From then on you haven't been mad at him..
Steve: Steve, thank god, hasn't done much to offend you. He has however, hurt you physically.. on accident. You guys were "getting busy" and he fell off the bed and onto you. You ended up with 10 stitches in your head and one hell of a story to tell the doctors.
Tim: You've always known Tim as a trouble maker, but you guys had some sort of unofficial understanding in your relationship that you wouldn't let his troublemaking affect your relationship. His attitude however would come to affect your relationship when he first met, and unfortunately fought, your father. Yeah, not the best first impression. Probably a leading factor to their rocky relationship. Thankfully you were able to get their relationship to some sort of neutral level for your sake, but there's still definitely some tension between them which upsets you.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 - the Outsiders preferences
FanficYou loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like. My preferences include - Ponyboy Curtis Sodapop Curtis Darrel Curtis Dallas Winston Two-bit Mathews Johnny Cade Steve Randle Tim Shepard (...