44 | Him teaching you how to drive.

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Ponyboy: He's not a good driver himself so you relied on your own instinct rather than what he told you. He said "wow you did great", little did he know you did nothing he told you to do.

Sodapop: He let you drive from the Curtis house to the DX. You hit a mailbox and cried. He felt really bad and wouldn't let you drive for a long time after that.

Darrel: He was super hesitant to the idea of you wanting to drive, you almost had to beg him to teach you. Every 3 seconds you drove Darry was like "Babe stop!" He even made you sit for like 10 minutes without the keys in the ignition just so he could tell you all the controls.

Dallas: "Get in the driver seat doll, your gonna learn how to drive." He literally made you drive him around town and gave no instruction at all. You were really nervous and his lack of direction made it even worse.

Two-bit: Two-bit was super cute when he taught you how to drive. You sat in his lap and steered the wheel while he controlled the gas and breaks. You guys jammed out to music the whole time and he made jokes about your driving.

Johnny: Johnny took you outside of town to a dirt road to teach you how to drive. He was a really good teacher and stayed relatively calm the whole time. Every time you did something good he would give you a kiss.

Steve: "Alright y/n, this is a *whatever* car with a *whatever* engine"

"Steve how is that helping me learn to drive?"

He literally didn't even teach you anything about driving, just about different types of cars and engines. So when you actually started driving he freaked out.

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