↳ Date: 7.22.20
↳ Info: what you and your greaser of choice enjoy doing on a rainy/lazy day.Ponyboy: You and Ponyboy stay in and paint!
It all started the first rainy day you guys were together. You found some old paints that belonged to his mother and out of boredom painted some shoeboxes because you couldn't find anything else to use as a canvas. Ever since then you two will use any rainy day as a painting day.
Sodapop: You and Sodapop look through magazines.
While your not necessarily looking at the same magazine, the comfort of quiet in the room amongst you two and the closeness you have makes it. You guys will show each other things you want or quiz each other. Hours could pass doing this and you guys would have no clue.
Darrel: You and Darry watch old family films.
It's kind of your's and Darry's thing to bring a video camera everywhere. On lazy days you two will watch videos spanning from 20 years ago like his parents wedding day to videos from a week ago at the farmers market. And since you film almost everything, there are always many videos to choose from on lazy days.
Dallas: You guys basically just bum around Bucks all day.
Buck hates it when you guys have a lazy day because you literally just hang around the bar. You and Dally have made a habit out of playing pool, or random songs on the jukebox, to slow dancing sloppily, or occasionally trying different liquors Buck has stocked up on (which he really doesn't appreciate).
Two-bit: You and Two-bit spend the day pranking.
A day in for you and Two usually consists of flipping through the phonebook and finding houses or local businesses to prank call. Two-bit usually takes the wheel on prank calls, though it can be annoying when he does that, you find it hilarious when the other line points out that they know it's Two-bit. The look on his face is priceless.
Johnny: Helping out the local florist.
Your great aunt Meredith owns the local flower shop. It's a Tulsa landmark, but it's been understaffed the past few years. If you and Johnny have nothing to do in the day you'll head over to your aunts shop and help her with small things like arrangements or orderings. Though it's work, it's a very calm environment and usually you and Johnny will blast vinyl records throughout the store making for a fun time.
Steve: You and Steve will go to the park.
Maybe not exactly a "lazy day" but definitely laid back. You and Steve will pack a few sandwiches and Coca-Colas and head to a small park nearby. You guys sit for hours, people watching local greasers (a lot of the Shepard gang hangs there), sometimes playing a game of tennis, or picnicking.
Tim: Unfortunately there aren't too many lazy days with Tim Shepard.
Tim's known to be quite the hustler & he rarely makes the exception to that title. More so a "calm day" for you two would consist of a brief walk through the park, trip to the dingo for lunch, or you shopping while Tim shoplifts.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 - the Outsiders preferences
FanfictionYou loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like. My preferences include - Ponyboy Curtis Sodapop Curtis Darrel Curtis Dallas Winston Two-bit Mathews Johnny Cade Steve Randle Tim Shepard (...