55 | Your Jobs.

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This is meant to be like 10 years into the future when the guys are in their 20s/30s.

This is meant to be like 10 years into the future when the guys are in their 20s/30s

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Him: Writer for the local newspaper.

You: A secretary for Pony's office. This included lots of office gossip talks.

Him: Mechanic (owns a shop with Steve).

You: A florist. You own your own flower shop, so you can make your own schedule.

Him: He owns a successful construction company.

You: A house painter. Sometimes you and Darrel team up to work on building, it's cute.

Him: Picks up construction jobs when he's not in jail. Sells stolen items to make extra money.

You: Bartender at Bucks. You make great tips because all the regulars love you.

Him: Salesman. Sells stolen items too like Dally (but not as often).

You: Party/Event planner. You make Two-bit dress up as a clown for the parties sometimes.

Him: Oil rig worker. It started off as "just a job" but he ended up making tons of money from it.

You: A nurse. One day when you went to visit Johnny after a beating in the hospital, you became very intrigued in the job of a nurse.

Him: Mechanic (owns a shop with Soda).

You: Receptionist for Steve and Sodas shop. Steve loves that he can spend every minute of the day near you.

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