You loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like.
My preferences include -
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Darrel Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-bit Mathews
Johnny Cade
Steve Randle
Tim Shepard (...
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Ponyboy:What really embarrasses Ponyboy is when you try to show him affection in front of the gang. If you even hug Pony in front of Steve or Dallas he won't stop hearing about it for weeks.
Sodapop:Sodapop tends to get really insecure about the fact that he dropped out of school. What really embarrassed him was the first time your parents met him. They asked "what grade are you in school?" and he had to respond with "Uh, I'm a drop-out."
Darrel:Darrel gets super embarrassed any time the boys bring up an ex of his. You don't mind when the boys talk about his ex's (in fact you think it's quite funny) but Darry's face will turn red and he'll usually get really angry.
Dallas: Dallas gets really embarrassed when you step up to him. He's used to dominating everyone around and always being a ruler, and with you as his weakness, he will never get away with an attitude. Once you told him "Dallas Winston you sit down and talk to me or I'm leaving" right in front of the Shepard gang. Dallas sat and Tim and Curly made fun of him for a week.
Two-bit: Two-bit gets really embarrassed if he tells a joke and no one laughs. Often times if you guys are arguing he'll try and tell a joke to break the tension, when you don't laugh in response he tends to get embarrassed.
Johnny: Sometimes without thinking you'll "baby" Johnny in front of the gang. He's already looked at as everyone's kid brother so he's trying hard enough to seem tough. If he has a cut on him you'll try and clean it up in front of the gang. His face always turns red and he'll say things like "I'm fine really."
Steve: You don't really have to embarrass Steve, he'll find a way to embarrass himself. Whether it's showing his ass with an attitude or failing a stunt, he'll do it.