↳ Date: 8.14.19
↳ Info: how they would treat your children, son v daughter.Ponyboy:
Daughter: Ponyboy doesn't want to see your daughter do the stereotypical 'Stay-at-home mom' thing. Pony pushes your daughter to do the best she can at school and helps her with her homework every night.Son: Ponyboy encourages your son to come to him if he ever has a problem, and tries not to be too strict with him. Ponyboy won't admit it but you know he wants to be the "cool dad."
Daughter: Your daughter undoubtedly will grow up a tomboy. Sodapop is always showing your daughter how to fix cars, or teaching her how to wrestle.Son: Sodapop and your son are best friends. If your son ever has a problem he will go to Sodapop first.
Daughter: Darrel thinks your daughter should be in sports like he was. If Darry has a day off work he's definitely toting you and her to the tennis court so she can work on her skills.Son: Darrel also thinks your son should play sports, especially to keep him out of getting in trouble. Darrel loves to pass around a football with your son. Your son is also really close with Ponyboy and Sodapop and looks up to them as role models.
Daughter: Dallas treats your daughter like an absolute princess, he's super overprotective and won't even let her hang around boys at the age of 5.Son: Dallas gets really frustrated with your son easily since he's not a big fan of kids. Your sons also never been able to show emotion without Dallas saying "Hey, don't cry. Makes you look weak."
Daughter: Two-bit wants everyone to know who his daughter is. Two is always showing her off to the gang and constantly talks about her. Two-bit says your daughter should be in a beauty pageant but you refuse to let him enter her in one.Son: Unlike Ponyboy trying to be the cool dad, Two-bit is the cool dad. Before the age of 10 your son was asked "Hey son, you want a sip of beer?" And Two-bit gave your son a blade for his 8th birthday.
Daughter: Johnny is super gentle with your daughter. If your daughter is misbehaving he will come to you and ask you to punish her because he doesn't want to hurt her feelings. Sometimes you catch Johnny putting her hair in rollers and it melts your heart.Son: Johnny raised your son right. Your son is always that one kid to play with anyone he sees alone on the playground. Your son and Ponyboy's daughter are best friends, everyone says their going to get married one day.
Daughter: Steve raised your daughter to be a full on greaser girl. Steve would go behind your back and let her wear lipstick if she wanted to, or tell her she could go to the movies if you said no. Your daughter also knows the name of every single car part.Son: Literally as soon as you brought your son home from the hospital Steve was teaching him about cars. Your son is wild like Steve and often gets in trouble for picking on Soc kids at school, which is probably Steve's fault.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 - the Outsiders preferences
Fiksi PenggemarYou loved them in the film and book, so get ready to read about what a relationship with them would be like. My preferences include - Ponyboy Curtis Sodapop Curtis Darrel Curtis Dallas Winston Two-bit Mathews Johnny Cade Steve Randle Tim Shepard (...