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"Being hurt by someone who you truly care about, leaves a hole in your heart that only love can fill."

Words,they break you
Make you believe you aren't anything,
Especially coming from the ones you love
The ones you thought could never hurt you.
They lie and "claim" they didn't mean it,
Then why did you say it?
Why did you choose to break me with your words?

In the midst of it all I wonder,
Why did I let you?
why was I never enough!?
Will I ever be?

You shattered me.
It wasn't what you said
I'm use to the criticisms,
But seeing the hatred in your eyes
Stung me in my chest,
All I wanted to do was die!

But I smiled and laughed it out,
I lie
Only to feel like shit even more.

So please tell me,
Will I ever be good enough?

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now