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If my walls and my pillows could talk,

They'd have a lot to say,

Maybe then I wouldn't be this lonely,

Maybe then they would set straight,

As a tear would roll on my cheek,

They would already know what's happening,

I'm shaking,

My hearts beating faster,

Life seems to spin,

Like a maniac I would pace my room,

Grip my hair to ease the pain,

Like a storm my windows would slam open,

The cool air hitting my face,

As I think of how pitiful I am,

Why are they helping me?

I'd cry,

As the held me while another storm of life passed


The storm of life I am referring to is anxiety, and panic attacks

How to know if you are having a panic or attack attack

Panic attacks begin all of a sudden without giving any warning. They can strike at any time and may have occasional or frequent attacks.

Symptoms include:


loss of control

Fear of impending doom

Flashing visions



Chest pain






Abdominal cramps

Dizzy feeling


Anxiety Attacks

An anxiety attack usually involves a fear of some specific occurrence or problem that could happen.

Symptoms include worry, restlessness, and possibly physical symptoms, such as changes in heart rate. 

 Anxiety is different from a panic attack, but it can occur as part of an anxiety or panic disorder.

If you think you are having an anxiety attack or panic attack please get help. You an serious end up in the hospital. If you feel one coming along call someone that calms you and if they can be there call them. Try to breath.  I know breathing is hard especially when you're just existing like me. If your panic attack doesn't subside please head straight to a hospital. This is very serious please take it as so.

Have a good day everyone and remember breath.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now