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"When you're young, you're a little naïve"

                                             -Maria Sharapova

Sometimes I wonder if you remember,
If you ever regret what you did,
How you manipulated me into loving you,
And into thinking you loved me too,
I was very naïve.

I've been very stupid,
Because you don't love anyone,
You only love yourself,
You never cared about anyone's feelings,
As long as you got what you wanted.

You made me believe that I was yours,
As much as you were mine.
Coming to the realization that
I was just the flavor of the month,
Someone you saw,
Someone you thought you could use,
And I'm sorry you had to waste your precious time on someone like me.

So why go through all that trouble just to break me?
Don't you have a heart?
But of course you don't because the only person that matters is yourself.
So I guess that makes me naïve, and you Selfish.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now