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Someone asked me, "What is a best friend?" I replied," It's the person that sees the pain behind your smile"


This poem is dedicated to my bestestfriend in the whole wide world @Uniclipse. I couldn't have asked for a greater friend❤

I hope you don't leave me,
Please! please I cant loose you,
Maybe I sound desperate,
But I don't care,
You've always been there,
Even when you didn't have to.
You've listened to me vent about my shitty life,
Wiped my tears,
You set me straight when I was being  too sloppy.

So I'll stay for you,
I'll live knowing I get to keep you happy,
You've been through a lot yet you're still here,
You've always listened,
Sometimes I think that you're tired of me which you say you aren't,
But it's surprising that you stayed when no one else did.
You took my hand and told me that you'll always be here.
Promise me well get to do all those things we've planned?

If I had to choose someone to be with forever, it would have to be you bestfriend,
I know we wont ever fall in love or get married,
But I just know you're my soulmate,
And I hope I'm yours,

If you're tired of me,
Go take a nap,
Because you aren't going anywhere,
You're my favorite human,
The person I wish the best for,
And I hope you'll be in my future,

Just know that I don't always show or say this but I love you bestfriend I always will,

Thanks for being you.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now