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"Reassurance is a sad, mad thing. Deep inside everyone knows the truth."

What does it mean to really live?
Is it being happy and carefree?
Or self love? what does it mean really?

Life is a hell of a thing.
Every day another obstacle,
You wonder if it's really worth being here.
You continually assure yourself that you're good enough,
And you have to live for your family.
But what is the sense of living if your living for someone else?

Why do I have to feel anxiety and pretend to be happy,just for the people I care about?
When will they put me first?
Why do I have to hurt?
Why do I need reassurance to feel good enough?
People say I'm doing it for attention,
But am I really?

Why cant I express my thoughts,
Without being looked at as fake or seeking attention?
It's messed up to know that the same people,
Who tell you not to give up,
Could be the very same people bringing you down.

And you're left there analyzing what's real and what's  not.
But that's the thing with life,
you never really know true pain
Until you've faced this cruel world and have no one to turn to,
Because you never truly know who to trust or who will really care enough to listen.

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NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now