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Boys my age,

All they want to do is party,

Those immature souls,

As I watch them drink their life and future away,

For once I too wanted to be like them,

I wanted to be free for once,

From the whispers,

The shouting and screaming,

Just for one second,

As the alcohol would flow through me,

Us being one,

As I put my hands in the air,

He would come to dance with me,

Put his hands on my waist,

As we moved in sync,

I would hold my gasp,

As he stopped the pain for a minute,

I would wake up,

Realizing it was just a dream,

An illusion, my mind playing games on me once more,

Pity I wanted to be free,

The chains on my wrists and feet say otherwise,

I'll never get out of here,

I cried.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now