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Sometimes I wonder why I feel this way,

Sometimes I just want to be left alone,

Maybe most of the time I drown myself in my own feelings,

Maybe I just wanted to be numb,

Even when I was surrounded but people,

I still felt alone,

Every time I'd close myself off,

Every time everyone would leave,

But I knew one thing that wouldn't leave me even if it wanted ,

The feeling of loneliness,

But the thing about loneliness is it feels like you're trapped,

There's a door but you cant get though,

Someone calling out to you,

You hear but no matter how much you want to run to that person you cant,

And you feel bad,

Because no matter what anyone says or do,

You will always feel that way,

It's not even your fault or theirs,

It's your mind,

Shielding the people you love and care about because you feel as if you don't deserve happiness,

The mind is a complex place I'm still yet to figure out.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now