Chapter 24

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I didn't know what to think. Hell, I didn't even know what to say. As the words settled in with Meredith, I still had this hopelessly confused look on my face. He wanted to end the contract? A part of me knew that I wanted to end it too. I hadn't even been through half the tour and I was exhausted and depressed. But mainly, I was really fucking confused. Did he not want to be with me anymore? It seemed like it. Not only did I fear for my fate, I also feared for Zayn's. I didn't want Liam to hurt or do anything to him, because then I would feel guilty. The reason they aren't getting along is because of me. The reason Luke got the shit knocked out of him was because of me, and now Liam was standing before myself and Meredith, trying to ship me away. I had the urge to scream, cry, and just cuss the fuck out of someone all at the same moment. It was an absolutely mortifying experience.

"We talked about this when Miss Broker signed the contact Mr. Payne." Meredith sighed, her snake like eyes staring into mine like this whole scene is my fault. Liam did not seem pleased with this answer though, because he gave out a frustrated grunt, before clenching both of his fists.

"Meredith I honestly don't give a flying fuck about what I said then. This is what I'm saying now. I want her home, with her family. Not here, where the press can hurt her, and the boys can be all over her." I looked up at him through my thick lashes, and saw him looking right back at me with the same sparkling hazel irises as before.

"Oh bloody hell." Meredith erupted with barks of thunderous laughter. Liam looked totally pissed by her reaction, as he swiftly wound his strong arm around my waist, and pulled me closer to him.

"I warned you. I told you specifically that she was for publicity purposes only." I wanted to reach right around and slap that evil bitch in the face, but I restrained myself. It hurt me that all these people just saw me as some sort of toy. Like someone they could just toss all around whenever they needed to. I was never the type to let someone walk all over me, but I was still completely silent as I held Liam's hand for the life of me.

"That is none of your business." Liam spat, glaring at the red headed devil.

"Just stop the contract and then we won't have to pay her to stick around. She's my girlfriend anyways so what's the difference?" He was already becoming unconfident with his argument, I could tell. Meredith seemed very pleased with herself, because she had this content smirk on her face as she looked at us.

"I told you specifically not to get actual feelings for her. Did I not?" She rolled her eyes, before arching her eyebrows.

"Stop. I don't want to know that." I snapped, eying both Liam and Meredith. I wrangled free of Liam's arm, and stood a few feet from him.

"This is bullshit. Neither of you get to make this decision. I do. Now just stop talking about me right infront of my face."

"You are under an undoable contract. Both of you signed it. There is absolutely no backing out." She was so fucking smug. She looked me up and down, he red lips twisted in a sadistic smile.

"HOW WAS I.SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?" And my shit was officially lost. I was done being the last one to know eveything. I was done letting all of these people here kick me around, and convincing me to do things I don't want to do.

"Lauren...." Liam breathed out. I knew what I was about to do. I was doing the same thing I always did. Pushed people away.

"Maybe you were right, Liam." His warm brown eyes widened at his words.

"Maybe, I am just using you for your fame and money. Hell, I don't know."

"Y-you're lying." he stammered, sounding like I kicked him in the chest. I felt terrible, but I didn't let my voice waiver or crack once.

"Just do your job, and I'll do mine. You know what they say, its all about the chase."

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