Chapter 14

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My eyes crack open, and I can't recognize my surroundings. I'm in a small rectangular space, with a curtain covering the opening. There is light seeping through the cracks. I pus the curtain back, and realize, we're on a tour bus. I rub my eyes with the back of my hand, and look around the other bunks for the boys, but they're all empty. I wall through the narrow space, and come into a spot that doubles as a kitchen and a living area. Louis is making breakfast, Harry is bugging Liam, and Niall is looking hungry, hovering over Lou's shoulder.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Zayn jokes, and I take the seat across from him at the table. Liam makes am annoyed grunting sound, and I shoot him a look.

"Shut up. You sleep all the time." I thump Zayn on the head, and he sticks his tounge out at me.

"Lauren, can I talk to you for a second?" Liam speaks up, and I freeze in my chair, not meeting his gaze. I lock my jaw.

"I have no desire to speak to you." I spit through gritted teeth, and the room goes dead silent.

"Lauren, come on, I'm sitting here watching you hang all over one of my best ,mates, have some decency and talk to me." I slide out of my chair, and Zayn wraps an arm around my waist.

"Calm down Laur." Zayn says quietly. I ignore him.

"You want me to have some decency? To fuck with that! And here I am looking like a fucking psycho in front of all the boys, but really, they would ignore you too if they knew what you said!" I yell, and thrash around in Zayn's grasp.

"I just want to talk Lauren. Please." he begs. "You need to chill the fuck out!"

"YOU SON OF A-" I wiggle free of Zayn, and get face to face with Liam.

"Stop being a fucking psycho!" I reach my hand up to slap him, but he catches it, and pushes me up against the wall with a thud.

"Wanna try that again sweetheart?" he growls, his voice low and mocking. I'm alarmed by the total silence that continues, and my loss for words. He still has me pressed against the wall, his still sweet and soft brown eyes pouring into mine.

"You can't just.." I breathe, and he stares at me to hear the rest. Relief and assurance sets in, and I push him away from me, shaking my hand free.

"You don't get to touch me."

"Lauren, seriously-."

"ENOUGH!" Louis silences us. "Stop acting like fucking idiots, and just make up already." I look at Liam, and he looks at me. The room is uncomfortably silent, with all eyes on the two of us. "Well?"

"I'm sorry Lauren. Really sorry." he mutters. "I didn't mean what I said. And I didn't mean to make you cry." I hold his gaze. He does seem sincerely sorry, and I'm in the wrong too. I run my tounge over my tounge ring.

"Apology accepted"I hug him around his torso, and he gently hugs me back.

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