Chapter 23

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I had literally no fucking clue how to get myself out of this one. Liam looked totally pissed and Kylie looked mortified. I didn't want to talk about Chase to Ky or Liam. I wanted to know how he found out to begin with. But I definitely did not want to talk about the Zayn thing. But I fucking gave it away. It wasn't the fact I was afraid of what Liam would say or anything, I was afraid of what he would do.

"On with it then Lauren!" Liam angrily growled at me, tousling his fingers through his hair.

"Don't you fucking yell at me! I'm not a fucking child Liam, what I do is none of your damned business." I spat, eyeing the handsome boy up and down with daggers shooting out of my transparent green eyes.

"Not my business? Are you fucking kidding me? You're supposed to be my girlfriend Lauren! Now spit it out! What is going on with Zayn?" He was getting more pissed by the second, and that definitely wasn't a good sign. Kylie was just blankly staring at me with a look of horror on her face. I didn't want to tell her about Chase, because it would scare her. And I didn't want to tell Liam about Zayn, because it would scare me.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered, raking my hands through my hair.

"Did you fuck him?" And there it was. The jealousy over Zayn. My eyes widened at his words.

"What?! NO!" I gaped. "Why the hell would you think that?"

"Then what is going on between you and Zayn? Either you tell me, or I go ask Zayn. " He threatened, completely ignoring my question.

"Nothing Liam. Zayn is just my friend. You have to stop this obsessive thought that you are in a competition with Zayn."

"Bullshit." He spat. "You just told me yourself something was going on. Did he try to pull something on you?" I didn't want to tell him. Fuck. I did not want to tell him. But I didn't want Niall to tell him either. It was now or never. Goodbye Zayn.

"Zayn is...Zayn, well he.." Liam looked annoyed as hell, as he stared blankly at me.

"Liam, Zayn is in love with me." All the air left my lungs as I muttered the last few words. Silence. Total silence. Liam had an emotionless expression on his face as he looked at me, not even breathing I think. This worried me more than him tripping shit.

"That's it." Liam shrugged, snatching his jacket off the bed.

"Where are you going?" I panicked, watching him put the jacket on, and walk towards the door.

"I need you to come with me." He slowly said, shoving his feet in his silver KDs. I didn't know what to do, so I just followed him, telling Kylie to go back to Cal's room. He walked down the hallway, his fingers laced through mine. I took that as a good sign, until I saw who's door we were at. Meredith's.

"Liam why are we-"

"Don't ask questions." Liam softly demanded. I normally never followed instructions, but I shut my damned mouth.

The door opened, and Liam just barged in, dragging me behind him.

"We want out."

"What?" Meredith gave him the same look I was currently giving him.

"Of the contract. She doesn't want to do this anymore. Drop it. Now."

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