Chapter 15

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"Thank you Sydney! You're all beautiful!" Louis whoops into the mic right after they close with Best Song Ever. They come running backstage, sweaty, and loud as fuck. Niall immediately bee-lines for the snack table, Louis and Harry going to bother the sound guy. Zayn casually walks in the direction of Niall. Liam comes running off last, his fingers raking through his sweaty hair. His shirt sticks to him because Harry thought it was hilarious to dump a bucket of water over Liam and Niall. He grins, breathing heavily, enveloping me in a hug. I squeal, and shove his soaking body away from me. He puffs out his lower lip, his big brown eyes puppy dogish.

"You're fucking sweaty." I complain, and he rolls his eyes, pressing his lips to the water bottle I had ready for him.

"Did you like the first show?"

"Oh god Laur, it was fantastic, I loved it. I can't believe that many people actually like us." he glows at the mention of his fans, and I chuckle pushing his shoulder.

"Sap." he grunts, sticking his tounge out at me. "I want Nandooooo's." I whine, and Liam laughs as Niall comes rushing over, nearly tripping over Harry. Who for some reason is getting the shit knocked out of him by Louis.

"Someone said Nandos." Niall says, this demented and at the same time hungry, look in his eyes. Such a freak. I don't know what it is with this boy and food, but I think it might be a bit obsessive. But I love food more than my own mother, so...I'm not one to talk.

"NANDOOOOOSSSSS!" Louis screams into Harry's ear, causing him to shriek, crumpling to the floor. We all bust out laughing at the cardiac arrest Harry is having, Liam slithering his muscular arm around my waist.

"Christ Louis." Harry complains, shifting his unbuttoned shirt. I hum to myself in amusement, walking into the lounge where the boys from 5 Seconds Of Summer are. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. 5SOS are the opening for One Direction. They are an edgy punk rock band. If you consider a dimpled, shaggy haired, muscular giggle box drummer, a blonde giraffe with a lip ring lead singer, a purple haired kitten guitarist, and a naked-looks like an Asian but isn't Asian-pouty faced bassist, a punk rock band. So basically I'm talking about Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, and Calum Hood. Yeah, they're weird, but cool. And very cute.

"My children." I say in a cheerful voice coming into the lounge to see Calum only wearing boxers, Ashton countryman giggling at an annoyed Michael trying to take a selfie, and Luke, just chilling on the couch.

"Hi mummy." Calum says, trying to crawl onto my lap. I push his half naked body away.

"Calum Thomas Hood, put some clothes on." I scold, and he makes a whimpering sound, scurrying off to find his pants. Michael gives up on his selfie, and Ashton gives me his partial attention. I swear these children have ADHD. But Luke, I have no problem whatsoever getting his attention. The kid is like, obsessed with me. It's a bit odd, but I try to ignore it to the best of my ability.

"Were going to Nandos, you in?" Calum comes rushing in at the mention of food, trying to tug up his zipper. Michael and Ashton nod along happily. Luke jut casually stands up, and puts a flannel on, coming up beside me.

"You look hot." he says with a completely straight face. I stare at him, and he just keeps looking at a giggling Ashton. I tug my babies out, to find the others waiting for us. I feel the fingertips of large cool hands ghost at my exsposed wait, and I immediately know its Luke. This is what I get for wearing a crop top. I try to shake it off, not wanting to embarrass the poor laugh.

"S'kay, I got them. TO NANDOOOOOSS!" I scream in Louis ear to give him karma. He topples over with a shrill cry. He hits the floor, and Harry is about to die of laughter.

"How does it feel bitch?" Harry teases, helping Louis back up.

"Cheers Lauren. See if I fucking fix you chocolate chip pancakes again." he huffs, punching a chuckling Zayn. His eyes have dark circles underneath of them, and his eyes look...shattered. Like broken glass as he watches Liam kiss the top of my head. It hurts me badly to see him so upset, he's like my best friend. But he needs to accept the fact that I don't want to be more than friends right now.

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