Chapter 4

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Does he not wear clothes? He seems to read my mind because he says,

"Oh, sorry love, I'll put a shirt on." he says disappearing into the bathroom.

"N-no." Wow. I sound like a fucking idiot. Zayn breaks out into a grin.

"So you like me shirtless?" He raises his eyebrows plopping onto the bed next to me.

"I think you are my best friemd here." I sigh, deciding to dissmiss his previous question.

"Really?" he says, giving me a small smile. He turns on his side, so we are facing one another. He smells like cologne, and cigarettes, and it really just reminds me of home. I feel so comfortable around Zayn.

"Yeah." I say, and he bats his incredibly thick eyelashes. Zayn is gorgeous, with messy, almost black, hair and big brown orbs, encased with long lashes. But I just feel like, he needs to be friend zoned. And I think he's okay with that.

"You're pretty cool Lauren. Nothing like Liam said." He says, Wait. What did Liam say?

"What did Liam say?"

"He was telling us yesterday while we were packing for the tour that you think you're some badass, but you are really a sweet, weak, girl that cant uphold your intimidating looks." Bam. Oh he is going down. We'll see who's weak when I fucking jackslap him.

"That little fuck!" I half shout, and Zayn just shakes his head. I shoot up off the bed, and stalk down the hallway, and Zayn trails behind me, with an amused look on his face. Shit. I forgot the key. I beat on the door, and nobody comes.

"Liam! Open this fucking door now!" I shout and my tapping turns to pounding, and I almost jump when the door swings open, and Liam gives me a warm smile, that fades when he sees Zayn. I shove past him, into the room, and Zayn sits gently on the bed.

"Is everything o-"

"No! Dont talk to me! I'm some weakling that cant uphold my looks remember?" Liam noticeably gulps, and Zayn stifles a laugh.

"Where did you hear that?" he asks me carefully. I cross my arms over my chest, and he sends Zayn a death glare.

"Well, I uh-I'm gonna go, see you later Lauren." Zayn stumbles past me, kissing my cheek as he exits. Liam watches him leave before speaking.

"That was before today." he tries to tell me.

"What do you mean?"

"Before I knew all the things I found out today." he pleas with me, and decide to just drop it.

"Whatever Liam." I say, dropping onto the bed, turning the lamp off. I pull the duvet over my head, and I feel the bed dip down next to me. Woah. What the hell?

"I dont like to sleep alone." he admits


"Dont worry. I wont touch you." he says, and I sigh, turning the other way. This trip, already fucking sucks.

Author's Note

Sorry for the short chapter. Ily! Bye Angels xx

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