Chapter 12

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"You guys are doing very well." Meredith compliments as Liam digs in his pocket for our room key. "You actually look like a real couple." Liam didnt tell Meredith were together for real? What the hell? We did just agree to be a real couple, but youd think she would be the first to know.

"Um actually we are-"

"Night Mer." Liam cuts across me, dragging me into the hotel room behind him. I know Im really overthinking this, but I find it extremely strange that he didnt tell Meredith, and when I tried to, he cut over me. This peculiarity is really pissing me off.

"What was that?" I raise my eyebrows at Liam, and he runs his hand quickly over his hair. Ive only known Liam for about a week, but I know he only does it when he's nervous. He licks his lips, and focuses his eyes on the wall behind me.

"What?" he asks casually. I take my shirt off, putting on Sophie shorts and a cami.

"You not telling Meredith about us." I tell him, gesturing between the two of us. He strips down to a pair of red and black plaid drawstrings, and it takes everything in me not to look at his toned, and tattooed body.

"Its not any of her damn business Lauren." he fires back, his tone a bit harsh. I am a little taken aback by his attitude, because the Liam I know is sweet, and quiet. This attitude fucking sucks.

"Well it kinda is Liam. She will be pissed beyond words if we dont tell her." I shoot back, and he pinches the bridge of his nose. He should know by now that I take shit from nobody. An unthinkable thought pops into my head. Meredith did say that they needed a girl the complete opposite of Liam to be his girlfriend. What if he is like, embarrassed of me or something?

"Are you embarassed of me?" I ask him quietly, and his eyes blow. I twist my hands akwardly, awaiting my fate.

"What?! No!" he practically screams, shaking his head furiously. Even though he sounds confident, it still doesnt convince me.

"Seems like it." I mutter, and he throws his hands in the air.

"Thats complete bullshit and you know it!" he screams at me, and I jump. I honestly didnt know Liam could even raise his voice. His sudden anger enrages me, and I clentch my hands by my sides.

"No! Its not actually! And Im not going to fucking argue with you when youre so belligerent!" I spit, and he growls. Literally growls.

"Are you that big of an insecure little bitch to think something like that?" his words hurt, and piss me off at the same time. I am not insecure. I might be a bitch, but it still hurts that Liam said that to me. Regret flushes through his eyes before it fades.

"I guess so." I half whisper, grabbing my already packed suitcase. We leave tomorrow for Australia,  and I am beyond excited. Note the sarcasm.

"Where the hell are you going?" he asks me, his voice lowering a bit. I ignore him, and drag my suitcase out the door. "Lauren! Dammit!" I slam the door behind me, and stalk angrily to Zayns door. I tap on it gently, and nobody comes. I tap a bit harder, and im beginning to think he isnt in his room when the door swings open. Zayn stands before me, shirtless, and wearing gray basketball shorts low on his hips. His dark hair is messy, and he yawns. The clock on his wall says its going on midnight. Shit I didnt know it was that late.

"Lauren?" he asks raspily. My anger shifts to tears, and I cover my face with my hands, sobbing. "Oh fuck. Come here." he holds his arms open for me, and I drop my suitcase, hugging him. I bury my face in the crook of his neck, and he rubs circles in my back. My breathing is shaky and uneven, making the tears more capable. He shuts the door behind us, keeping on arm around me. I pull out of his embrace, wiping my eyes with the end of my cami.

"What happened?" he asks me gently. He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. Even after I completely rejected him, Zayn is still being caring and sweet.

"Liam and I got into a fight, he called me an insecure bitch." I sniffle, more tears falling down my cheeks. I hear Zayn curse Liam out under his breath, and he sits next to me on the bed, gently wrapping his arms around me.

"Its okay Laur." he coos, catching the tears with his thumb. "Babe...please dont cry." I cant help but laugh at the fact he called me babe. Its such an odd word, yet it sounds amazing coming out of his mouth. "What?" he furrows his eyebrows.

"Babe?" I raise my eyebrows at him,and he flushes a shade of bright red. "Dont be embarassed, it was adorable." He swats at me, and I laugh again. He puffs his lower lip, and crosses his arms over his chest in a pout.

"You're cute when you pout, so Im okay with this face." I tell him, and he finally cracks a smile.

"Lauren. I know you like Liam for some fucked up reason, but I wish you would just give me a chance." he sighs, his tone suddenly serious. I sigh too, and nuzzle further into his neck.

"Zayn.." I trail, my voice muffled on his skin. I inhale his familiar scent of cologne and cigarettes,  and he giggles. "What?" I breath and he giggles again.

"Your breathing on my neck tickles." he says amused and I pull away.


" I didnt say I didnt like it." he croaks, gently putting my face back in the crook of his neck. I chuckle and he sighs. "You wanna stay in here tonight?" I contemplate denying his offer and going back and fighting with Liam, but give in and nod.

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