Chapter 20

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"Oh hey Lauren." Calum says when I show up at his hotel room door. Just by glancing over his shoulder I can tell he's already pretty comfortable. "What's up?"

"Nothing really. I thought maybe we could hang out since Liam is a dick." I say pretty casually. Cal chuckles just a bit, but gestures for me to enter anyways. I immediately plop down on his couch, and he stretches out next to me.

"What's going on between you guys anyways?" Calum asks.

"I dont even know. I'm ignoring him." I admit, running my fingers roughly through my red hair.

"Oh. Well hey, whatever works." A silence descends upon us that is pretty uncomfortable. "Dude. We should play FIFA."

"They have an XBOX?" I ask, my tone full of hope. Calum nods happily. "Oh you're so on, Hood."

"Psh. No girl has ever beaten me."

"Not until today motherfucker."


"YESSSSS GOALLLL!" I dance around happily, as Cal groans in frustration, pouting.

"Fuck." He curses. "Can't believe this shit." He throws the controller on the bed next to me. With a content sigh, I plop onto the bed next to him, sitting criss cross.



"So like, you're being paid to date Liam for the tour, but now you're actually together right?" He clarifys, looking at me. I nod silently.

"I guess you could say that."

"So..what are you going to do when the tour is over?" Cal points out. I haven't really thought about that. What are we gonna do when my contract is up? Would we still be together?

"I dont know." I answer honestly. "I never thought about it that way." Calum looks over at me with sparkly brown eyes. "I'd think we'd stay together?"

"He didn't tell you. Did he?" Calum says softly. My eyebrows instantly shoot into the air, egging him on.

"Tell me what?" I ask carefully, not even sure I want to know.

"I dont think I should be the one to tell you, Lauren." Calum has sadness written all over his face, and that is definitely not a good sign.

"That's not the way it works. I'm a big girl Cal, I can handle it." He just shakes his head back and forth, his blonde highlighted hair swishing.

"Okay, here's the deal. If he doesn't tell you by the time we get to Madrid, which is in three days, I will tell you myself." I nod along, with my lips slightly pursed. I reach my left hand up to drag it through my hair, when I see Cal's eyes widen. Oh shit. I drop my hand faster than I've ever done anything, tugging the sleeve over my wrist.

"Lauren! Let me see that wrist!" Calum howls. I shake my head furiously, trying to avoid crying.

"No." Calum starts grabbing for it, but I swerve out of his reach.

"Lauren Sierra Broker! Give me it now!" I dodge his hand again, until he just tackles me backwards onto the bed, pinning both my arms over my head. All of his body weight holds my waist down, so I'm unable to escape.

"Calum please." I whisper, tears flooding down my cheeks. He slowly pulls down my left sleeve, taking my freshly red wrist in his hand. I go silent, watching him through blurry eyes as Calum takes his lip between his teeth.

"Lauren." he speaks softly, seeming as if he may cry as well. He doesn't move from on top of me. "Why I dont want to know. I dont want you to ever do this again."

"I'm sorry." I blubber.

"You're better than that." Calum swears. "You are one of my very best friends."

"Its hard Calum. I wasn't thinking." I cry. He doesn't even move from on top of me, so we are like, cuddling. Well, he's trying to hug me while I'm pinned beneath him. My best friends face nuzzles into my neck, as he evelopes me in a big hug.

"I'm sorry."

"Dont be sorry. I understand. I've figured you out, Lauren Broker." Cal pulls away from my neck, giving me a silly smile. "You're not as confusing as you think."

"Oh shut it Hood. I've got you all figured out too." I joke, pushing him off me by his shoulders. He rolls to the other side of the bed, risin to sit criss cross, matching my actions.

"Do you?" He raises his eyebrows as if challenging me. I start to tickle his ribcage, and he shrieks.

"OH MY GOD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LAUREN-JESUS FUCK STOP!" he laughs really hard as I violently tickle his ribcage. "OH FUCK AHAHAHA!"

"Am I interruping?" I stop tickling Calum, and he stops laughing as we both look in the doorway of the room.

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