Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV

"Are you okay?" Zayn softly asked me. We were sprawled across his bed, him laying horizontally and I layed at the foot of the bed, facing him. I shrugged my shoulders lightly, and sighed. His hair was messy which was strange, his hair was always perfect, and he was just wearing dark grey sweatpants and no shirt.

"I'm fine." I sighed, twirling a lock of my red hair. His hand reached over, and pushed some of my thick hair out of my eyes. I internally cringed at the contact. Ever since I discovered that I loved Liam-which was exactly forty five minutes ago- I thought about my relationship with Zayn. I knew deep down that I did have feelings for Zayn. But it wasn't fair to him that I came running to him every time I needed to rant about Liam. It probably really hurt him, and it was a worse version of leading him on. He was downright gorgeous, and so sweet. But I couldn't ever picture myself loving Zayn. I couldn't see it. I didn't want to say that to him though, so I hoped he got over his little infactuation sometime soon.

"Lauren." Zayn sighed, dragging both of his hands down his face.

He knew I was lying. He knew me well enough to know that I wasn't fine. I felt like a flustered mess. I.kept running over the words in my mind.

I love Liam. I'm in love with Liam. I love him.

I didn't know how to say it out loud. Not to Liam anyways. What if he didn't love me back? I was so stupid. My entire life I managed to keep myself from desperately falling in love like everyone else. I let someone in, rather multiple people in, and now I was totally and completely fucked.

But another part of me felt...relieved. It a feeling I've been fighting for a while now, and I felt relaxed now that I knew exactly what it was.

"Zayn?" I mumbled, after a small silence. I looked over at him, and he was looking at me with his big auric eyes.


"I have to go." I put my hand on his head, and ran my fingers through his dark hair. Zayn frowned instantly, hurt finding it's way into his features.

"This isn't right. I can't keep doing this to you, to Liam, or to myself." He sat up, shaking my arm off of him. I sat up behind him, so he was standing, and I was sitting on the edge if his bed.
He crossed his dark skinned arms over his chest, and leaned against the wall.

"You know, I love you. I could give you whatever you wanted. Hell, I treat like a princess now." Zayn's tone was clipped, and his face was slowly brightening with anger.

"But for some reason, you have some sort of weird addiction to him. This isn't about hurting me. This is about him. I love you, and I know damned well that you feel something for me too." His voice was becoming loud, and I stayed silent, because so far nothing he said had been a lie.

"I would take a bullet for you, I would love you the way you deserve. But you continue to push me away, because of him! Either way its all about him!" And now he was pissed. Zayn rarely ever raised his voice, especially at me. I cringed after every word came out of his mouth. He sounded so angry, and so hurt.

"Zayn please." I weakly begged, tears building up in my eyes. "Please don't do this to me right now." His kind and warm eyes were now a shade darker, and both of his hands were clenched into fists.

"I'm done with this. You are driving me crazy. I cannot stand here another second and listen to you cry over someone else. I can't do-" Zayn paused, and closed his eyes for a moment.

"I can't love you if you won't let me." With tears sient rolling down my cheeks, I watched him walk over to his jacket, and shrug it on.

"Zayn, where are you going?" I panicked, standing up after him. I grabbed onto his arm, and he turned around, his brown eyes burning into mine.

"Let go, Lauren." Zayn softly said. I let go, and watched him swiftly open the hotel room door, and walk out.

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