Epilogue Part 2

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A/N: Welcome to Epilogue numero dos. I'm still undecided on whether or not to do a small sequel, or if I should just end it here. But I thought, what could one more part hurt? So here you go!


*Four years later*

Liam's POV

"I love my family. I love my family. I love my family." I whispered quietly to myself as I took my four month old back to her crib for the third time that day for her afternoon nap. She had developed a period of purple crying, and I thought I was going to start crying myself. She literally cried for NO REASON. She just cried because she wanted to be a little shit. But she was my baby girl, so I rarely complained. "Lauren honey?"

"Kitchen!" She yelled back. I followed the sound of tiny feet smacking against floor tiles, and the smell of expensive perfume.

"Brooke is sleeping." I sighed quietly, rubbing my fingers over my eyes. "Where exactly are you going munchkin!?" The little girl squealed as I grabbed her in my arms whenever she tried to escape.

"Daddddddddd." She complained in her squeaky little voice, smacking at my chest. She had a massive mane of the curliest blonde hair, which she must've gotten from her mother. To this very day, every two months since the day I met Lauren she has continued to dye her hair red. I loved it, and I think it gave her cool credits as a mum. It was just part of who she was.

"Emily you better behave yourself at pre- school." Lauren gave her a stern glare. "No more putting glue in Sammy Thomas' hair. Got it?" I resisted the urge to laugh out loud. Emily was truly my daughter.

"Uncle Louis said I did a good job." Emily frowned, tiny arms crossed.

"Fucking Louis." I sat her at the island chair, and cursed under my breath.

"That's because Uncle Louis and Uncle Harry are always up to no good." Lauren sighed and shook her head. "I've gotta go, I have a meeting in an hour."

"Wait what? I'm on my own?" I demanded instantly.

"Its a baby, Liam. She doesn't bite." My wife laughed easily, and pecked me on the cheek before scooping up our four year old and sauntering towards the door.

I'm not going to lie to you, the last few years of marriage were rough. Lauren and I rarely got along up until a few months ago, right after Brooke was born. We fought non- stop, and at some point I even thought about filing for a divorce. Not because I wanted one, but because I didn't want to make the two girls unhappy with our constant fighting. We couldn't even stand to be around each other, and whenever we found out Lauren was pregnant with Brooke, we were much less than excited. It was just another thing tying us together and making it hard to be around one another. The moment I brought up the divorce conversation Lauren freaked the fuck out on me, and the next morning she marched her ass down to the courthouse to file the papers. I was just sitting at my desk doing paperwork whenever she slapped the stack of papers in front of me and demanded that I signed them. Of course, I didn't sign them. We fought it out, and it was actually hell. But slowly we returned to our normal routine and started to talk instead of scream, and became more and more happy about bringing another life into the family. By the time Brooke arrived, we were as good as we were seven years ago. I didn't think it was possible to fall more in love with Lauren, but it happened.

I was sitting at the kitchen island, with my face pressed against the marble due to sleep, or lack there of. Babies kept you awake on purpose. My phone rang, and I was already groaning and complaining before I even answered it.

"Hey Liam." It was Zayn. "I need you to come to the studio a-s-a-p. There's a bit of a technical crisis and I want a meeting about it immediately." After the band split up two years ago, Zayn and I got a partnership at the Syco music studios being the managers. I loved being in One Direction, and this was a way to still be involved in music. Louis and Harry quit music all together and have adopted two Ethiopian orphan girls, Luna and Lila, and developed their own branch of the Make A Wish Foundation. Niall was still the most involved in music, and continued to write songs that my team produced. His daughters were very involved, and I think one is planning to sign with Syco one day. Lauren actually went back to University (shocker) and got her degree in music. She was a music and drama teacher at the University she graduated from.

"Zayn, its my day off. Lauren went to work and I have Brooke all day." I told him, pressing the phone between my ear and my shoulder, seeing as it was feeding time for Brooke and she was going to get pissed soon.

"Bring the baby with you, its not going to be very lo-" I could hear the sound of Zayn yelling at people for "being imbeciles". "Are you coming or not, Liam?"

"Yeah yeah, give me twenty minutes." I hung up and raced up the stairs, making it just in time, because Brooke's dark chocolate eyes had just opened. I gently picked her up, and stuck the bottle in her mouth before she got the chance to cry. Her small hands patted against my big ones, like she was unsure of whether or not I was giant trying to swallow her whole. She was a cutie, I'll give her that.

Despite all my complaints and griping about Brooke, she was still my baby girl, and I dreaded a time whenever she wouldn't be this small, and would start to grow like Emily. I wanted to keep her this size forever.

I wanted everything to be perfect like this, forever.


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