Chapter 16

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"Fuck this!" Michael groans, throwing his phone towards the couch. Ash looks up from his phone with a scowl on his face.

"Don't fucking swear."

"I do what I want. I'm punk rock." Michael retorts and I almost bust out laughing at the amazing comeback.

"No, you're not." Calum chimes in, and I hear Luke's deep laugh from next to me as Mikey flips Cal off.

"Fuck youuuuuuu Calum." Michael grunts, walking towards the snack table

"They're like children." Luke speaks up from next to me. His Australian accent is thick, and he speaks carefully and slow. Jesus, I am more punk rock than these fucking idiot children.

"I love you guys though." I sigh, nudging Luke's shoulder with mine. He blushes very bright, and I poke his cheek.

"Aww. Look at Luke, he's blushing!" Ashton teases, sitting in the other side of me, his arm swinging around my shoulders.

"Its okay Lukey, we all know you looooooovvve Lauren."

"Guys stop." I scold them, shrugging Ash off of me. A happy Liam comes bouncing into the room, and I jump on him, almost knocking him over

"Hey beautiful." He laughs, hugging me tightly. He slides his hands down my small back to rest on my hips, holding me to him. "You look lovely as always."

"Such a kiss ass." I mutter, kissing his pouty lips. I see Luke giving me a sad look, and immediately feel regretful for doing that in front of him. I pull back from Liam a bit, only resulting in him pulling me tighter against him.

"Maybe we should go out and do something yeah?" Calum suggests, clearly trying to break the tension in the room. "I'm up for downing some jello shots." We all let out cheers, running from the hotel lounge to our rooms. Liam starts throwing his clothes everywhere, and I do the same. I decide on a short black dress that comes to my mid thigh, with a sweetheart neckline, and two thin straps. Its probably going to be cold, so I also throw in some lacey tights, and a pair of velvet black wedges with a strap around the ankle. I take a flat iron to my unruly red hair hair for once becoming successful. I draw on a thin line of purple eyeliner, and lip gloss. I snap on the beautiful gold swan necklace my father got for me years ago, and lock the hotel door behind me. I hear laughing coming from behind me and I know its the boys. They are in a big group laughing and talking. I shyly walk up to them, clearing my throat. They all turn to look at me. And Zayn's, Liam's, and Luke's mouth all drop open. Luke is almost drooling over me and I shake my head, swishing my hair back and forth.

"You look fantastic." Zayn breathes, running his fingers over his dark hair several times.

"Thanks." Liam pulls me to him quickly. He's so jealous of Zayn, its ridiculous. Zayn's lips form a tight line, and he looks as if he may snap. This is the last day of the Australian leg of the tour, next we move on to Berlin, in Germany. I am beyond excited. I have always wanted to go to Europe, and now I can.

Liam, Calum, Niall, Harry and Luke all pack into the same car as me. I sit in between Liam and Luke, and it is officially awkward. Liam has ahold of my left hand in his right one, his thumb running over my knuckles as he hums lightly to himself. I look over at Luke, to see him staring at me with an adoring smile, his lips inches from my face. I blush, looking away quickly. Liam lays his head ony shoulder, and a smile toys on my face as I run my fingers through his short hair.

When we arrive at the bar, the boys basically rush into the front, leaving me staggering out of the van in these damned heels. When I finally get out, I start to follow in their wake, whenever I spot a dark figure underneath the street lamp. The end of the cigarette and the dim street lamp give me the indication that its Zayn. I see Niall standing in the doorway of the bar, watching me as I slowly walk over to the dark haired boy, my heels clicking on the pavement proceeding my arrival. He has a cigarette to his lips, and he barely glances at me when we are about two feet apart.

"Zayn?" He doesn't say anything, he just takes a long drag of his cigarette, flicking the end off afterwards. "I'm talking to you, Zayn."

"Yeah so?" He shrugs, not seemig at all interested in me. Normally Zayn is sweet and understanding, so its very shocking for me to see him like this. "Go in the bar with Liam."

"Okay cut the shit. What the hell is your problem?" He shurgs again, squishing the cigarette under his Vans. He starts to walk away from me, and my face flushes in anger.

"ZAYN! FUCKING ANSWER ME!" He spins around, and I hear Niall start to walk this way.

"Fine! You really want to know what I fucking think? I think that you are selfish. You fucking used me just because fucking Liam was mad at you. Well you need to fucking decide Lauren! Its me, or him. You can't have both!" He screams back, equally as loud.

"I never used you Zayn! I thought we were friends! That's why I stayed with you!"

"But you knew I didn't want to be just friends! I fucking want you, okay!? Is that what you wanted to hear!?" Niall is now nearly under the dim light, and I can see the blonde in his hair.

"Why the hell are you so stuck on me? I have a boyfriend. Get over it! There is nothing between us, Zayn. Why can't you accept that!" Niall puts a gentle hand on my elbow, trying to pull me away. But I hold my ground.

"Because I'm fucking in love with you! Okay?!" He booms in defeat. All the air is taken from my lungs, as he looks on the verge of tears. Niall's grip on me tightens as he stands next to me with his jaw dropped.

"Its because I love you, and I can't help it. I'm in love with my best friends girl. Fuck." He rubs his temples with his middle finger, closing his eyes so only a single tear slides down his face. "I love you, Lauren."

"Zayn." I say softly, shrugging Niall off of me. I put my hand on his shoulder. He flinches away, but I out it there firmly. "Hey its okay." I nudge his ducked head, causing him to look up at me with his caramel colored irises.

"You're my best friend, and Liam is my boyfriend. That's the way it is."

"I don't wanna lose you, Laur." He sniffles, looking at the ground again.

"Hey, you couldn't get rid of me even if you tried." I chuckle, causing him to smile. "And Niall, won't say anything to Liam. Right?" Niall purses his lips together as if in thought. I give him a pleading look, and after a few seconds, he sighs with a nod.

"Thanks man." Zayn says towards Niall, him nodding with a thin lipped mouth.

(Pic of Lauren's hair on the side/above)

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