Prologue/Chapter One

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~Chloe's POV~

My life? Not much too it. I don't like school like every other teenager so I don't do well. My grades are low and my attitude is even lower. In my opinion, if I don't like it then why should I try it? It's a simple philosophy but one that seems to have my approval. Non of the teachers or my parents have ever really cared about what my grades are because they've just stopped believing in me, which they have every right to do due to the shit I say or do. Due to the stupid excuses about homework, as I said, I don't like school so why should I try and do something my heart isn't with?

No teacher has ever gotten me to do anything, not even the ones that still have some patience with me. I just don't listen, another philosophy of mine is, if you don't wanna hear the crap coming out of the mouth, don't listen to said crap and again, it's simple but gets my approval. The subject I did worse in was Music because the teachers just spoke out of their asses most of the time. Saying things I didn't wanna hear instead of letting us play the instruments we knew how to play or discuss the music we listened to.

Anyways, this is the story of how I fell in love with someone who I shouldn't have fallen for...


"You still coming to detention with me Vicky?" I asked with a groggy voice due to how tired I was. "Yeah, I have nothing else to do plus no way in hell am I walking home alone" I laughed at her words. "Why? Too chicken" She nervously laughed before clearing her throat. "Pfft! Of course not! I can totally handle all the people out there!" I laughed and shook my head slightly as we reached our registration room. I took my phone out one last time, mainly to make sure I had it on 'do not disturb' and also to check I wasn't too late.

I placed it into my pocket and I opened the door and me and Vicky walked in and took our seats. "I see Miss Stewart has decided to be in on time for once" I heard a voice from the back of the room and I frowned and looked back. "Just ignore her Chloe. She's trying to get a reaction out of you" Vicky warned and I backed down. The girl in question was little miss Alicia Nelson or as I liked to call her little miss perfect because she could never do anything wrong in front of the teachers but as soon as their backs were turned she'd shoot insults at you like a machine gun. I'll admit, she did get to me most of the time but if I attacked her she'd probably pull my hair or something.

Jokes aside, if I were to charge her I'd get kicked out all because her mom is on the school governors panel thing so she has a say on everything that happens in school. It sucks, she was going to make uniform mandatory and make all the girls wear skirts and all the boys wear shorts! It's just wrong on so many levels. Luckily though, decisions have to be run past the principal and he thought it was stupid as well so I get to stick with my jeans and I'm fine with that.

The bell rang and we got up and went to walk out of the classroom when I was pushed over and all my books fell out of my bag. I looked up and seen Alicia standing with a smug look. "One of these days, someone is gonna stand up to you. I'm not quite sure who yet but it's gonna happen" She sniggered as I picked up my books. "Yeah right. Listen Chloe, one day you're not gonna have your mommy to fight your battles and you're gonna have to come out of the world of music you live in and enter the real world" I scoffed as I finally placed my books in my bag and zipped it up. I slid it onto my shoulders. "How about you get out of the world where you think everything revolves around you because news flash, you're not the only one here" I replied and walked off.

As I did, I walked into someone and fell back down on my ass. I got up and looked at who I had walked into. He had shaggy black hair that was surprisingly fluffy, he was wearing black jeans and a studded belt. He had a black shirt complete with a red tie and a black bandana with white edges and white dots hung from his back pocket. "Can you watch where you're going next time?" He said bitterly. What crawled up his ass and died? I just sighed and ignored him, this time walking off to my music class.

I took my seat, which was next to Vicky, and got my music book out. I looked up and my jaw dropped when Mrs Hartzler didn't walk into the class but the guy I walked into, did. "Hey everyone. I'm Mr Armstrong and I'm your new music teacher. I'm gonna pass round a piece of paper for you each to put on your desks so I can learn your names" Vicky smiled at me and leaned over slightly. "Damn, he's hot" I just sulked that I'd have to put up with him for a whole semester. "He's not that hot" I said and instantly regretted it because as soon as those words left my mouth, Mr Armstrong was standing above me with my piece of paper. "I highly suggest you two stop talking about boys and focus on this, y'know, the thing that's gonna help you build your future?" He said sternly and I rolled my eyes.

"Listen here, I've been warned about a student in here called Chloe Stewart and I don't have to look far to see who it is. Either get with it, or suffer and mess up your future. I'm fine with both" He growled and I just looked at him. "You don't know me, you'll never know me. Either back off and let me mess up everything like everyone else has done or keep trying to intimidate me but fail at it anyways" He scowled at me as he finally passed me my paper. He didn't know what was coming, I was gonna make his life a misery as he was doing to me already.

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