Chapter Seventeen

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~Chloe's POV~

I made my way out into the bus and sat down at the front next to Vicky. We both had to be at the front because well, she was travel sick and I was pregnant with morning sick so god help if one of us was sick, it would likely set the other one of us off. I clipped myself in and sighed. "What?" Vicky asked with a smile. "I feel so crap" I said, throwing my head back into the seat. "Maybe have a nap on the way? That way at least if I'm sick, you probably won't be" I nodded. "Okay. If we stop, wake me up" I said and she nodded. I waited till the bus began to move before closing my heavy eyes and falling asleep.


"Chloe? Wake up" I heard a soft voice and felt my nose scrunch up. "Go away mom, I don't like your waffles" I mumbled and my eyes shot open in realisation of what I'd just said and seen Billie trying not to laugh while kneeling beside me. "I don't know what's more amusing, the fact you called me mom or that you somehow don't like waffles" I laughed nervously and felt my cheeks heat up. "I do like waffles normally, it's just when my mom makes them, they get burned and taste of cardboard" I said and that comment caused us both to laugh. "Where is everyone?" I asked once we calmed down and he stood up. "Vicky tried to wake you up but gave up and went with everyone else down to the museum with Mr Miller, he told me to stay here in case you woke up but I got bored and woke you up anyways" He said and I smiled. "Damn, I was asleep that long?" He nodded at this. "Must have needed it. I've never seen anybody sleep on a bus for nearly two hours" My eyes widened.

"Two hours?!" I exclaimed and he nodded again. "Yep. Longest I've seen anybody asleep on a field trip" I laughed. "Well, technically I have an excuse because I'm carrying a human so I can sleep for hours on end" He laughed at this. "It's gonna be am excuse for everything huh?" I nodded and crossed my arms. "You know it babe" I said, a hint of sass in my voice and Billie just smiled. "What?" I asked, lowering my arms. "You called me babe" I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. "Sorry, I didn't think before-" He cut me off by shaking his head. "No, I kinda liked it. It was hot" I felt myself blush. "Don't go all shy on me now baby girl, this is the only non boring conversation I'll get today" He told me and I laughed. "Me? Not boring, boy do you need to spend a full day with me" He smiled softly. "I wish I could yknow" He took my hand in his as the words left his mouth.

"I wanna kiss you but I'm fucking terrified that your lips still taste of vomit" I laughed and shook my head. "I drank some water and put on some cherry lip balm before we came out" I said and he kissed me, just like he said he wanted to. "Mmm, I won't lie, cherry lip balm tastes a thousand times better" I rolled my eyes playfully and he chuckled. "How about you try carrying this thing around for the next five months? Then you can be sick almost every day and tasting vomit most of the day? Huh?" He laughed. "No thanks, I'll leave that to you. I'm here for moral support" I raised an eyebrow. "Is that it?" I said, pretending to sound pissed, I think he saw past it though.

"Listen, sweet thing, being a boyfriend does mean being there for moral support so technically yes but also no" I felt my brain melt, what the hell was he going on about? "Has that confused you, love?" I nodded and this earned a chuckle from Billie Joe. "I knew it would. C'mon, we gotta go to the studio. They'll have nearly finished up there so we'll have to hurry." I pouted and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "I know angel, but it won't be long till I can see you outside of school again" I looked at him, mainly in confusion. "But I still have a year left at school?" I said and he shook his head. "I mean, the reason that we had to stop the tutoring and stuff was because I had some, family issues, but it's all sorted now so, I can help you out with the tests again. Only if you want me to" I nodded. "I do, I've missed them actually. Plus with the school looking into letting me completely retake the test, it'll really help" I said and he nodded.

He helped me up and we got off of the bus and we started walking towards the studio. I almost completely forgot how much I liked it being just me and him, and I liked it a lot.

Secret Admirer//Billie Joe Armstrong\\Where stories live. Discover now