Chapter Eighteen

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•Just really quickly, Chloe is around 20/21 weeks pregnant which is equivalent to around 5 months•

~Chloe's POV~

I had somehow convinced Billie Joe to let me stay the night tonight, due to it being a Friday and my parents being away anyways. We were cuddled up on the couch, watching Stranger Things. "This is so random but, I don't think you'd survive in a world like that" Billie said and I laughed, just a bit. "Why?" I asked with a soft smile. "Because, you're too innocent now. Maybe back when I had just started but definitely not now" I sighed, half contentedly. "I had to tone it down didn't I? I don't want my little girl being born into a world where her mom broke the rules do I?" I said and I felt him begin to rub circles on my bump with his thumb. "It's a girl then?" He asked and I nodded. Suddenly, his phone began to ring and he groaned. "What now?" He asked and sighed when he looked at the caller ID. "Sorry angel, I gotta take this" He told me and I smiled and nodded as he made his way into the kitchen.


"Who was that on the phone?" I asked and he sighed. "Just a solicitor" My eyes widened. "For what?" I asked, almost panicked. "Relax love, I'm just finalizing a divorce is all" I shuffled my feet. "You never told me you were in the middle of a divorce" He shrugged. "You never asked" He said and I frowned. "I shouldn't need to ask! Fucking hell! You could be tearing a family apart right now but it doesn't matter because 'I didn't ask" I shouted.

"Chloe listen-"

"Oh, I could be helping a kid lose their father but it's okay because 'I didn't ask'!"

"Chloe it's-"

"My baby could have a brother or sister but I don't need to know and that's okay because 'I didn't fucking ask'!"

"That's it! I've had enough! Don't have a go at me because I didn't wanna worry you! If you're just gonna tell me why I'm such a bad person then fuck off!" He snapped and I flinched. He'd never really ever raised his voice at me, not this badly though, it scared me so much. "I-" I started but was immediately cut off by Billie's 'Don't say another word' stare and I scrunched my nose up slightly, it was sort of a nervous tic of mine if you could call it that.

All his shouting suddenly got to me and I had processed what had just happened and broke down in tears and fell to the floor. Billie immediately came over and wrapped his arms around me, I was tempted to push him away and deny his touch but I couldn't, it was too soothing and caring for me to do that so I had to accept his hug. "I'm sorry angel, I didn't mean to shout at you. I just snapped and I shouldn't have" He said softly and regretfully. "I-I'm sorry I said all those things. I had no right, I never needed to know this" I said, calming down as Billie Joe gently rocked us side to side. This comforted me greatly. "No, non of this is your fault. I should've told you" He said and I went to speak but he put a finger on my lips. "No, I don't wanna hear it okay?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

He gently placed hand on my, now slightly more than visible, baby bump. "I love you both, so much" He said, gently snuggling into my neck and this alone caused me to smile. Despite the baby not at all being planned, I already knew that I loved her so much. I was gonna make sure that she had great opportunities and be the best person she could be. I would make sure she had a much better life than I ever did have.

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