Chapter Twenty One

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I know I said shit was gonna get real but afraid that's next chapter now heh

~Chloe's POV~

"You be careful yeah? And I will be calling Vicky's mom once you arrive okay?" Mom told me and I nodded as she hugged me. Vicky and her mom had agreed to help me hide the fact I wasn't actually going away with them for my eighteenth, they too were going away so it wouldn't really be an issue. Both of them would say I was there and if my mom wanted to speak to me then they'd just say I was sleeping or some shit. It was risky but as we've already seen, I love taking risks.

I finally managed to walk out of the door and I made sure to be out of sight before making my way to Billie Joe's. When I did get there, he was just putting his own stuff in the car. "Hey!" He said happily and I smiled at him. "Hey" I replied as I walked over to him. He looked around before giving me a quick kiss and he took my bag and put it in the trunk. "Thanks" I said and he smiled in return. "I can't wait to finally be able to spend a full weekend with you" Billie said happily as we walked into his house and this caused a smile to appear on my face. "You sound like a child" I teased and he laughed. "Maybe I am a child?" He replied and this caused me to laugh in return. "A child trapped in a man's body" I said and he placed a soft kiss on my lips and his hands made their way to my waist. "Still think that?" He asked after we pulled away and I smiled softly. "Hate to break it to ya but, kissing me isn't gonna make me change my mind" I told him and he sighed but gave me a smile anyways. "Shame" He replied and I bit my lip as I got ready to say a risky sentence. "But I know how you can" I whispered and prayed that Billie didn't hear as I felt embarressed that I even wanted him like that again, after all, I was already five months pregnant. "Yeah?" He said and I felt my cheeks heat up, he definitely heard me. I nodded nervously before answering with a simple, "Yeah", as we sat down on his couch. "How?" He asked, bringing his leg up and resting it on his other. "I think you know" I said, just a small smirk becoming present on my face. "You sure? I mean, I want to just as much as you do, it's just you're pregnant" I nodded in return. "It's fine, trust me" He smiled and shrugged. "Okay" He replied as he leaned in to kiss me.

(What, you think I'd write that? No, this book is free of that you horny fucks)

We got in the car and we set off. Billie hadn't told me where exactly where we were going but that was part of the surprise I suppose. I would have to lie if I said that it didn't add to the excitement of all this, although, I did have to forget about the excitement when I had to somehow tell Billie that my parents had started talking about moving and there was a chance I'd never see him again, but all that could wait. It was unlikely we'd be moving in the next two days anyways.

It still didn't stop my panic though. My mom and dad knew that my baby daddy was someone from my school and they knew that he wanted to be a part of my girl's life, true they didn't know that he was my teacher but so fuck? They didn't need to meet him, did they? No, I'm sure they didn't. It would be fine, I hoped but I knew that hope wouldn't be enough to help me get through this mess I had helped create. When did me and Billie ever stop to think about what would happen if we got found out? This was a profound problem and it hadn't even crossed our minds. I just don't understand, they said love is love right? So why must ours be frowned upon? After all, our love is just like that of any other couple. Yeah, he's my teacher and I'm his student but then why aren't boss and employee relationships basically illegal?

"What you thinking about, angel?" Billie asked, bringing me out of my deep train of thought and I smiled to hide my slight shock. "Just, tryna think of where you're taking me" I lied and he most definitely didn't believe me at all. "Okay, tell me what you're actually thinking about" I sighed and looked out of the window. "What if everyone finds out about us? What if our girl grows up with her dad in prison and me in some kind of mental hospital" He smiled reassuringly at me, I'll admit, it made me feel better. "You won't end up in a mental hospital" He said, trying but failing to hide his laugh. "You don't know that" He laughed a little bit before looking at me briefly before looking back to the road. "The worst things are gonna happen to me, if anyone finds out then you'll be seen as a victim I guess" His tone changed, it became almost, sad. He sighed and gave himself a quick shake and smiled at me, softly.

"Hey, let's not think about that right now yeah?" I nodded and smiled back at him. "Okay but where are we actually going?" I asked and he chuckled. "You're so impatient" I raised an eyebrow at his words. "Billie, we've been driving for like an hour already" I whined like a toddler in a grocery store, making Billie sigh but then he laughed slightly. "Angel, I think you're the child trapped in a woman's body" He teased and I huffed, almost proving his point.

"Pfft, me? No, think your confusing yourself babe" I replied and he laughed, this was certainly going to be a fun weekend.


Turns out that we were going to this ranch place that belonged to a friend of Billie's who was away for the weekend, it was absolutely beautiful. There was acres of land that was covered in different types of trees. The grass was as green as it could get, indicating it was just the right conditions here. The porch of the house was covered in pots which contained the most gorgeous flowers which looked as if they were watered regularly. The weather was lovely too, the clouds that we had seen on the way here had parted and allowed the warm summer sun through, there was also a cool breeze to pair with it. The air was filled with the smell of the cherry blossoms and the freshly cut grass, it was sweet and I liked it.

As I was taking all this in, I felt arms wrap around my waist and I smiled. Billie placed his head on my shoulder and his hands made their way to my bump, which had most definitely grown since he last seen me. "Do you like it?" I smiled and nodded in return. "I really do. It's so beautiful, thank you" I said and he gently snuggled into my neck "It's nothin really" He said as I turned around and I was greeted with a smile. "No, seriously. Thank you, for everything" I said and I kissed his cheek.

Secret Admirer//Billie Joe Armstrong\\Where stories live. Discover now