Chapter Twelve

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~Chloe's POV~

I woke up with something cold resting on my face, I jumped and it fell off of my face and landed on my arm and I sighed with relief as I realised it was just my phone. I grabbed it and sat up, Vicky was still asleep and probably would be until at least noon. I turned it on and had a few notifications, mainly people tagging me in stupid chain stuff on Facebook. I placed my phone back on the bedside table and pulled the warm duvet off of me, causing a cold shiver to make it's way through me as I pulled my bag towards me to get my clothes.

(What she's wearing :D)

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(What she's wearing :D)

I quickly got dressed and sat back down on the bed as the sun shone through the closed curtains. I grabbed my phone again and it almost started instantly ringing. Billie Joe. I looked at Vicky who was still fast asleep and sighed. I made my way slowly to the bathroom because it was the only spare room in her house that literally nobody used because it was in the attic. Once I'd gotten there, I closed and locked the door and answered. "Hey" He said and I smiled, I wasn't normally one for phone calls but whenever Billie called, it was different. "Hey. What you doing?" I replied, the smile still on my face. "Just marking, how about you?" I could practically see the boredom on his face as I heard the words and this made me laugh a bit. "I'm at Vicky's waiting for her to wake up. I'll probably be here until like, three? All because she doesn't wake up till noon most days that we don't have school" I heard Billie's chuckle down the phone and I bit my lip as I smiled again.

"I thought you would be the one to do that" He said and I gasped. "How dare you! I'm not that lazy!" I replied.

~Vicky's POV~

I woke up slowly and turned over to face Chloe's bed, but she wasn't there. I shot up and noticed her bag was still down by the bedpost so she was still here but where was she? She can't have been downstairs because I would've heard her and my sister talking or her playing with my dog, Roxy. I suddenly heard laughing from above me, the bathroom in the attic? She never used that, like all of my family she didn't really like it up there.

 I suddenly heard laughing from above me, the bathroom in the attic? She never used that, like all of my family she didn't really like it up there

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(What Vicky is wearing)

I got dressed and slowly made my way out into the hallway where Chloe was coming down from the attic and her eyes widened. "Oh uh, I thought you were still asleep" I tilted my head slightly. "Yeah, I'm awake" I said and she shuffled her feet, she was acting very shady and was obviously hiding something. "Listen, I gotta go. My mom needs me back at the house" She said nervously as she went to get her bag. What was up with her today? Who was she talking to? All these questions needed an answer and I wasn't gonna stop till I had them.

~Chloe's POV~

I slipped my bag onto my shoulders and grabbed my phone charger and placed it the side pocket of my jacket. "Alright Chloe, I'm not normally one to get into people's business but what the hell is going on?" I shrugged in response. "What do you mean?" I asked, looking at the floor and she sighed. "On the phone in the bathroom in the attic? You hate it in there, suddenly needing to go home because your mom needs you? She barely even cares about you, it's why you're here most of the time. Please Chloe, I'm worried about you" I sighed and frowned. "Vick, just stay out of it alright? Everything's fine, don't worry" She raised an eyebrow. "Right, are you dealing drugs or something?" My eyes widened and I scoffed. "What?! Of course not! For fucks sake! I'm not that bad" I said, pushing past her forcefully and she sighed. "Chloe! Wait! Don't be like that! I didn't mean it!" I ignored her as I ran downstairs and into the hallway and towards the door.

I slammed it on my way out and started walking home. I felt nothing but guilt, all this just because I couldn't tell her I was meeting Billie. Fuck, I had screwed up yet again. Might as well be called Chloe Screwup at this point in my life. It was all I could think about as I made my way to the coffee shop where I was supposed to be meeting Billie Joe, I was beginning to get toxic and for what? A boy, well not even a boy more like a man, who I knew even though we felt the same that I couldn't be with.

I finally reached the place and I seen Billie through the window and walked in and sat down opposite in. "What's up? You look rough" I sighed and shrugged. "I just got kinda toxic with Vick and should probably apologise" I said, staring out of the window briefly before looking back at Billie Joe, who had a small sympathetic smile of his face. "Yeah sorry, I probably shouldn't have asked you to come here but I wanted to see you again" A small smile made it's way onto my face. "No, it's not your fault. I wanted to come here too" I said, my cheeks heating up. "C'mon, I wanna show you something" He said as he stood up and I grabbed my bag and followed him out to his car.


"It's beautiful" I said as I stared in awe at the view of Oakland beneath us. The city was wide awake that was for sure, you could hear the noise of the cars but they looked more like dots from where we were. "Also, please don't murder me" I joked and Billie chuckled. "Murder you? Please, that's far too obvious" He said and I laughed in return as he put his arm around me and I nearly screamed in excitement. "It's getting cold, can we go back to the car?" I asked and he nodded and we headed back.

We got in and he looked at me, trying to figure out my next move. I knew it was risky but I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss that took him by surprise but by the way he kissed me back, it was a welcome surprise. He smiled as I pulled away and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed me again and well, one thing lead to another and let's just say I made the worst mistake of my life that day


Just as a warning, I don't actually spell check any of my books so uh yeah sorry if there's any mistakes ;-;

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