Chapter Four

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~Chloe's POV~

I walked through the school gates, I wanted nothing more than to be back home in the warmth of the bed. I could have stayed there all day and wouldn't have a care in the world. I seen Vicky and smiled, I waved at her as I made my way over to her. "Hey! How's your head?" I said in a bubbly way and she gripped her head. "Please don't shout, I feel like I've been hit by a bus" I laughed. "Again, you're such a lightweight" She rolled her eyes. "Oh alright, maybe I am a lightweight" She said, a small smile appearing on her face. I groaned as I looked at my planner and my timetable. "I have a test next" I sighed as the bell rang, signalling it was time for lesson.

I made my way to room A705 and walked in. I sat down at my desk and placed my bag under it. Suddenly, Alicia walked in with a smirk on her face as she sat down and took out her pencil case. "Ready to fail again Chloe?" She said and I snorted. "That's getting so old Alicia. Y'know, maybe get some new insults" I said as the rest of the class came in and so did Mr Armstrong. "Right, today's test is literally just about music but it is worth about maybe twenty percent of your grade so please don't just slack" He said, looking at me as he finished and I scoffed. The sheer insolence of this man would probably alone kill me, why just me? There were plenty of people who would fail along with me. Half of the class even, so why was it me he was having a good dig at? Was it all because I took his phone the other day? My sassy remarks last night? Whatever the reason was, I wanted it to stop, it needed to stop.

He began to hand out the pieces of paper that would hold twenty percent of my stupid grade, wishing each student good luck briefly as he did, at least, until he got to me. "You better not flunk this, I've seen your grades and personally, I'd rather you don't embarrass yourself this time Miss Stewart" I scowled at his words, those simple words angered me. Embarrass myself? Geez, who did this guy think he was? "My name's Chloe and I won't flunk it sir" Bitterness and hatred filled my voice to which Mr Armstrong just scoffed in return. "I'll believe it when I see it" He replied before passing a test to me and carrying on with passing them around.

Before I knew it, it was time to start and my heart had never beated so fast. I wanted to do well in this for no reason, I just felt as if I had to. I studied the questions. They were simple really, things such as 'In what year did rock band Nirvana release their hit album Nevermind?' Or 'What does the word Crescendo describe?'. Perhaps not easy for the common classmate, but for me? They were a piece of cake, especially the band related ones.

I went to write my answer into question 3 when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked beside me and see Alicia with a smile. She pointed discreetly to her desk where there was a small note saying 'Can we try to start getting along?' And as I read it, she stood up, gaining the attention of the whole class. "Chloe was coping off my test!" She shouted and my eyes widened. That little snake! I shook my head. "No! I wasn't! I swear!" And she snorted. "Don't lie! You were!" She exclaimed and Mr Armstrong stood up. "Girls!" He shouted and both me and Alicia flinched.

"Alicia, sit down" He said and she slowly lowered herself onto her chair and then he looked at me, he looked pissed. "You, outside" He growled and I obeyed, I walked outside and he followed me out. "I don't know what that was but why the fu-hell do you think it's acceptable to start shouting in my classroom during a test?" I shrugged. "Not to mention cheating? Do you know how low that is?" He scoffed and I frowned and clenched my fists. "I. Didn't. Fucking. Cheat" I said through gritted teeth as anger began to boil up. "Don't swear, and the evidence is there. Why would you? Just because I told you not to flunk it?" His voice sounded...disappointed?

"Sir! Listen to me! She wrote out a note and-" He sighed. "I don't wanna hear it and frankly, I don't have the time for it. Just get back in there and finish your test" I looked at him. "You're not gonna rip it up? Throw it in the bin? Give me a lecture on how I'll never amount to anything?" He simply shook his head and walked back into the classroom. I ran my hand through my hair, mainly due to my confusion. It's the rules of the school that if a student is caught cheating, their test must be ripped up. So why didn't he do it? I decided not to question him and just get on with it, so I walked back in and finished my test away from little miss tell tale.


"What crawled up your ass and died?" Vicky asked as I played around with my lunch miserably. "Just Alicia. She fucking framed me today! I could have got my test ripped up!" I exclaimed and Vicky tilted her head. "Why wasn't it?" She asked, confusion plastered on her face. "Dunno, Mr Armstrong just let me finish the test" I informed her before briefly looking at him as he talked to the other teachers. "Weird. Maybe he isn't so bad after all" I shrugged. Maybe he wasn't all that bad, but he was far from being in my good books for now. It would be a while until that happened.

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