S4E71: Dinner with the Andersons

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Alexis' POV

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Alexis' POV

Adrianna and I are wearing matching purple dresses. Mr Anderson drove the four of us to the restaurant. We arrive Elijah is there waiting for us. I smile and walk over to him carrying Adrianna. "She's gotten bigger" he says with a smile.

"It has been a month since she was born" I remind him in a whisper. I kiss his cheek and he takes Adrianna. Who gargles happily touching his nose. He smiles at her fondly and holds her hand gently kissing it.

"Oh what an affectionate father" Mrs Anderson says. "You must be Elijah?" she asks.

"That I am, and you must be Mrs Anderson" he says with a smile and kisses her hand. We all do our introductions and Elijah leads us inside to our table. We order our food and wait.

"So Elijah, Alexis tells us you're a historian" Mrs Anderson says.

"Yes, a truly fascinating subject" he states. "I was passing through Mystic Falls as I was doing a book on small towns and their history. Alexis' aunt Jenna was helping me with my research" he explains.

"So when are you going to propose to Alexis?" Mr Anderson asks and start to play with my napkin.

"Funny you should ask Mr Anderson, I have an important question for Alexis" Elijah states. I look at him confused, what is he doing? He suddenly stands up and gets on one knee in front of me. "Alexis, it's been nearly a year since we meet and I love you more then I've ever loved anyone. I love Adrianna and want to spend the rest of my life with you both. So will you marry me?" he asks as he opens a velvet ring box. With a teardrop engagement ring inside it.

"Yes" I say breathless and cover my mouth. "A thousand times, yes!" I cry and hug him tightly kissing him. Ignoring everything around us. We soon pull away and he places the ring on my finger. Our food arrives and we ate.

"So Alexis, how do Elena and Jeremy feel about Elijah?" Mrs Anderson asks me.

"Elena was on the fence in the beginning. But she knows Elijah is a man of honour and would never hurt me. Jeremy is happy that Elijah is strong enough to protect me from any danger" I state. "They both want me to be happy and for Adrianna to be safe" I add.

"I'd die before I let anything happen to either of you" Elijah tells me and I smile.

"So Elijah do you have any siblings?" Mr Anderson asks him.

"I have three, two brothers and one sister" Elijah states.

"I actually spent the most of summer with one of his brothers touring America before I gave birth" I state.

"So you have a good relationship with his siblings then?" Mrs Anderson asks.

"Sort of, Klaus gets on my nerves easily and has a temper. Then Rebekah has a worse temper then him. But we had fun when she joined us over the summer shopping" I state.

"What of the other brother?" Mr Anderson asks.

"That would be Kol, she meet him briefly at a charity ball we attended. He spends most his time traveling" Elijah states.

"He was very cocky and full of himself" I state.

"Well I'm glad things worked out well for you both. I feel sorry for others who have teen pregnancies and being single parents" Mrs Anderson states.

"Some become wonderful parents" Elijah tells her.

"True, but still it's always lovely when a family stays together" she states.

"My family feel the same way, we have fought over the years. But we'll always be there for each other. Always and forever" Elijah states.

"That's a lovely thing to say" Mrs Anderson states.

"Smells like Adrianna's nappy needs changing, I'll be back shortly" I state. I pick up Adrianna and head to the bathroom. I lay her on the changing table and realize I left her nappy bag at the table. I turn and see Elijah standing there with it. "Thank you" I say with a smile.

"I'm sorry for earlier" he states.

"You mean proposing to me, when we only said 'I love you' today?" I ask as I look at the ring.

"I don't want you to feel pressured Alexis, I know our feelings for each other are real. But we do not have to be engaged or marry if you don't want to" he tells me.

"I love you and want to stay engaged, marriage though. It's to soon, maybe in a couple of years" I tell him. I finish changing Adrianna's nappy. "I just don't know if I want to get married. It was always Elena that would marry and  have a family, while I was the fun aunt. Now I'm the mother and engaged to this amazing honorable man. I don't know how I got so lucky" I tell him.

"I'm the lucky one, being with you and having you both in my life" he states as he picks Adrianna up. "We'll go at your pace" he tells me and I smile pecking him on the lips. We rejoin the Andersons at our table.

"We were just talking" Mr Anderson tells us.

"You two just got engaged and deserve a night to yourselves" Mrs Anderson adds.

"Thanks, but I can't leave Adrianna" I tell them.

"She'll be perfectly safe with us and it's only one night" Mrs Anderson assures me.

"I don't know, what do you think Elijah?" I ask.

"We're the only supernaturals here and just got engaged. I think Adrianna can spend one night without you" he tells me. True and no vampire has been invited into their house aside from me.

"Ok, but promise me to let no one into your house tonight. Let no one touch Adrianna" I tell them.

"We promise" they assure me.

"You both enjoy your night and use protection. We don't need another bundle of joy before you both tie the knot" Mr Anderson tells us. I look away bashfully. We finish up and I have Elijah follow them to their house secretly.

"You feeling happy now?" he asks once they entered the house and we heard the door lock behind them.

"Yes, I just wanted to make sure they got to their house safely with Adrianna. Otherwise I would of been worrying all night" I states. "So where to?" I ask him.

"Do you trust me?" he asks me.

"With my daughter's life" I tell him. He smiles and drives away from the house. I relax in my seat as we hold hands.


Picture above of the Andersons and picture on the external link of the ring. Picture in chapter of Alexis and Adrianna's dresses & Adrianna now.

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